This is a simple CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) application built with Vue.js, Tailwind CSS, the Composition API, and Pinia for state management. It allows you to manage your tasks seamlessly with an intuitive user interface.
- 📝 Create, read, update, and delete tasks.
- 🔄 State management using Pinia.
- 📱 Responsive design with Tailwind CSS.
- 🧩 Utilizes Vue.js Composition API for better code organization.
- 📂 Clone the repository:
git clone
- 🚀 Navigate into the directory:
cd vue3-tailwind-todo
- 📦 Install the dependencies:
npm install
- 🎉 Start the server:
npm run dev
After starting the server, navigate to https://localhost:5173
in your browser. You can now add, view, update, and delete tasks.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.