- Sofia, Bulgaria
Wen Lin
Software engineer @microsoft Azure. Cloud-native infrastructure enthusiast. Open Service Mesh Contributor. Systems Gossip meetup organizer.
Microsoft Redmond, Washington
Paco Xu
Kubernetes Contributor, Valencia C.F Football Fan, PUBG Fan (17Gaming), a Go enthusiast (both Golang and the game of Weiqi/Go), Former EMC employee (ex-EMCer)
@DaoCloud Co,.Ltd, Shanghai Shanghai, China
Andreas Fritzler
Platform Guy | Data Jedi | Cloud and BigData Expert | Machine Learning Enthusiast | Deep Learning Fanatic
@SAP @gardener Heidelberg, Germany
Tim Ebert
Cloud native software engineer, Gardener maintainer
@stackitcloud Fulda, Germany
Dimitar Petrov
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them. - Albert Einstein
Sofia, Bulgaria