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Out of source builds

Oli Larkin edited this page Jan 23, 2023 · 6 revisions

Often if we work on a project, we want to make the project entirely encapsulated in a folder, possibly using git submodules to keep track of the various dependencies. By default iPlug2's duplicate script does "in source" builds. To do an "out of source" build you can add a path as the fourth argument to

The following commands show roughly what is necessary to set this up.

An example of such a setup can be found here: You can use that as the basis for an OOS iPlug2 project

mkdir MyNewPlugin
cd MyNewPlugin
git init
git submodule add
cd iPlug2/Examples/
./ IPlugEffect MyNewPlugin MyManufacturerName ../..
cd ../..
git add MyNewPlugin
#could also add VST3_SDK etc submodules, but need to modify plug-in VisualStudio and Xcode projects
#git submodule add VST3_SDK
#git submodule update --recursive
git commit -a -m "initial commit"