With Harmony v2.06, this project demonstrates how to connect the PIC32 based board -- called Curiosity -- to NETPIE2020 service, through the WiFi module -- MRF24WN. It adopts the main code from example tcpip/wifi_easy_configuration which is packed along with Harmony framework, and, the application code from my NETPIE for Harmony example.
Please feel free to leave any question OR suggestion, thanks.
- J8: Vin-Vbus for using Vin from the J12 usb port.
- J2: Open 1-2 & Open 3-4 for using ISCP as programmer instead of PKOB.
Connect J12 (Vbus) console port (white usb cable), and, J1 ICSP port (black one) for programming and debugging.
Use Harmony plugin to config the parameters, such as:
- Harmony Framework Configuration > Drivers > Wi-Fi > Wi-Fi SSID
- Harmony Framework Configuration > Drivers > Wi-Fi > Wi-Fi ... Pass Phrase