Big Data Lab, Inha Univ
- Bucheon, Republic of Korea
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/hyungwook-lim/
(CoLLAs 2024) Replaying with Realistic Latent Vectors in Generative Continual Learning
팀프로젝트 - 경찰대학 프로젝트 - AI를 활용한 지역별 맞춤 치안지도 서비스
Continual Learning tutorials and demo running on Google Colaboratory.
Continual learning of task-specific approximations of the parameter posterior distribution via a shared hypernetwork.
This repo is meant to serve as a guide for Machine Learning/AI technical interviews.
PyTorch implementation of HyperNetworks (Ha et al., ICLR 2017) for ResNet (Residual Networks)
Causal Inference for The Brave and True 책의 한국어 번역 자료입니다.
We introduce a novel approach for parameter generation, named neural network parameter diffusion (p-diff), which employs a standard latent diffusion model to synthesize a new set of parameters
📝 🎉 A curated list of awesome papers for incremental learning with pre-trained models
🎉 PILOT: A Pre-trained Model-Based Continual Learning Toolbox
An Incremental Learning, Continual Learning, and Life-Long Learning Repository
Package for working with hypernetworks in PyTorch.
Avalanche: an End-to-End Library for Continual Learning based on PyTorch.
Awesome Incremental Learning
The repository provides links to collections of influential and interesting research papers from top AI conferences, with open-source code to promote reproducibility and provide detailed implementa…
Continual Learning with Hypernetworks. A continual learning approach that has the flexibility to learn a dedicated set of parameters, fine-tuned for every task, that doesn't require an increase in …
[한빛미디어] "이것이 취업을 위한 코딩 테스트다 with 파이썬" 전체 소스코드 저장소입니다.
PyTorch implementation of AANets (CVPR 2021) and Mnemonics Training (CVPR 2020 Oral)
(SIGMOD 2021) Pool of Experts: Realtime Querying Specialized Knowledge in Massive Neural Networks
(AAAI 2021) Split-and-Bridge: Adaptable Class Incremental Learning within a Single Neural Network
Partial Hypernetworks for Continual Learning
(AAAI 2023) Better Generalized Few-Shot Learning Even Without Base Data
A Comprehensive Survey of Forgetting in Deep Learning Beyond Continual Learning. arXiv:2307.09218.
PyTorch deep learning projects made easy.
PyTorch Tutorial for Deep Learning Researchers