parse mysql ibd file to sql for learn or recovery data
Go package for OCR (Optical Character Recognition), by using Tesseract C++ library
Tesseract Open Source OCR Engine (main repository)
Simple RESTful API for WhatsApp in Golang (using the Whatsmeow multi device library)
Automatically set GOMAXPROCS to match Linux container CPU quota.
A high-performance 100% compatible drop-in replacement of "encoding/json"
A simple, semantic and developer-friendly golang package for time
「Go语言学习指南」一份涵盖大部分 Golang 程序员所需要掌握的核心知识,拥有 Go语言教程、Go开源书籍、Go语言入门教程、Go语言学习路线。零基础学习 Go语言、Go编程,首选 GoGuide。
Common libraries for writing Go services/applications.
Generate 2FA tokens compatible with Google Authenticator
Go package captcha implements generation and verification of image and audio CAPTCHAs.
基于 Gin 进行模块化设计的 API 框架,封装了常用功能,使用简单,致力于进行快速的业务研发。比如,支持 cors 跨域、jwt 签名验证、zap 日志收集、panic 异常捕获、trace 链路追踪、prometheus 监控指标、swagger 文档生成、viper 配置文件解析、gorm 数据库组件、gormgen 代码生成工具、graphql 查询语言、errno 统一定义错误码…
Go library for decoding generic map values into native Go structures and vice versa.
Playwright is a framework for Web Testing and Automation. It allows testing Chromium, Firefox and WebKit with a single API.
【JavaCommunity-后端技术栈,应有尽有】面试分享、源码分析(Java,spring,springboot,springcloud系列) 微服务(各大平台的微服务架构分享) 算法题(算法分析,以及leetcode代码实现)等等
Package gorilla/websocket is a fast, well-tested and widely used WebSocket implementation for Go.
Graceful restart & zero downtime deploy for Go servers.
Steam is a package for Go to login through the web, invite Steam users to a Steam group, send & receive messages along with a whole range of other functions.
Zero downtime restarts for go servers (Drop in replacement for http.ListenAndServe)