##Simple Android App with Clean Architecture
This is a sample of clean arhictecture with MVP pattern. This sample is clean without any third party libraries, so it is good to learn basic principle of the MVP itself.
I use mockito and espresso though for unit and ui testing because it is the only way to write good test, but I always consider mockito and espresso as official support libraries.
The sample of clean archictecture as follows
The core principle is the outer layer such as view should not know the inner layer.
For more detail, please visit references.
Of course, the sample is not ready for production use. We should use some third party libraries for the best performance such as
####1. Butterknife (https://jakewharton.github.io/butterknife/) This is for view injection, so we don't have to initialize every view in the onCreate() method. It's easy and really awesome
####2. Retrofit (https://square.github.io/retrofit/) I used AysncTask as a sample for the clean archictecture in order to make us understand the concept of MVP easily, but for the real development, it is better to use retrofit instead for networking.
####3. Dagger 2 (https://google.github.io/dagger/) It is better to use depedency injection such as dagger 2 to inject some parts of the code like the presenter, so the lifecycle of the view does not affect the presenter. Dagger2 is also good for injecting the android api such as shared preference, content provider, etc
##References https://codelabs.developers.google.com/codelabs/android-testing/index.html