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Go Gram

Go Report Card

Instagram Clone RESTful API with Go

Final project for Scalable Web Service with Golang Course - DTS Kominfo X hacktiv8id

Instalation & Run Locally

# Download this project
go get

Before running the API server, you must set up the database configuration with yours by creating an .env file. You can see the environment variables used in this project in the .env.example file in this repository.

Then follow this steps:

# Build and Run
cd go-gram
go build




├── auth
├── config // database connection and migration
├── dto // request and response schema and put some validation
   ├── comment-dto.go
   ├── photo-dto.go
   └── ...
├── entity // schemas of database table
   ├── comment
   ├── photo
   └── ...
├── handler // payload process from frontend
   ├── commentHandler
      └── comment-handler.go
   ├── photoHandler
      └── photo-handler.go
   └── ...
├── helper
   ├── constant.go
   └── ...
├── middleware
   └── authorization.go
├── repository // query process to interact to database
   ├── commentRepository
      └── comment-repository.go
   └── ...
├── server
   ├── route.go
   └── server.go
├── service // implement business logic
   ├── commentService
      └── comment-service.go
   └── ...
└── validation
    ├── comment-validation.go
    ├── photo-validation.go
    └── ...


  • Database seeding
  • Http Test
  • API Doc
  • Implement soft delete