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Demo applications showcasing DJL
DJL Spring Boot Starter Demo apps
Useful resources for creating apps with Electron
RAGFlow is an open-source RAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation) engine based on deep document understanding.
Enterprise job scheduling middleware with distributed computing ability.
Asynchronous Http and WebSocket Client library for Java
基于 Netty 构建的自研网关,采用 Java 原生实现,整合 Nacos 作为注册配置中心。其设计目标是为微服务架构提供高性能、可扩展的统一入口和基础设施,承载请求路由、安全控制、流量治理等核心网关职能。
Master programming by recreating your favorite technologies from scratch.
Get up and running with Llama 3.2, Mistral, Gemma 2, and other large language models.
Nginx Web page configuration tool. Use web pages to quickly configure Nginx. Nginx网页管理工具,使用网页来快速配置与管理nginx单机与集群
🪐 End-to-end NLP workflows from prototype to production
👩🏫 Advanced NLP with spaCy: A free online course
✨Fast Coreference Resolution in spaCy with Neural Networks
pkuseg多领域中文分词工具; The pkuseg toolkit for multi-domain Chinese word segmentation
💫 Models for the spaCy Natural Language Processing (NLP) library
Open source annotation tool for machine learning practitioners.
A wrapper executable that can run any executable as a Windows service, in a permissive license.
An open-source user mode debugger for Windows. Optimized for reverse engineering and malware analysis.
ANTLR (ANother Tool for Language Recognition) is a powerful parser generator for reading, processing, executing, or translating structured text or binary files.
JSqlParser parses an SQL statement and translate it into a hierarchy of Java classes. The generated hierarchy can be navigated using the Visitor Pattern
500 AI Machine learning Deep learning Computer vision NLP Projects with code
人工智能学习路线图,整理近200个实战案例与项目,免费提供配套教材,零基础入门,就业实战!包括:Python,数学,机器学习,数据分析,深度学习,计算机视觉,自然语言处理,PyTorch tensorflow machine-learning,deep-learning data-analysis data-mining mathematics data-science artificial…
tacotronV2 + wavernn 实现中文语音合成(Tensorflow + pytorch)