Table of Contents (🔎 Click to expand/collapse)
To leverage LSP auto-completions and other functionalities, after you open a
file in Neovim, run :MasonInstall <server>
to use
mason installation feature.
Use Tab
to list available servers.
sudo apt-get install sqlite3 libsqlite3-dev
pip3 install black -i --trusted-host
curl -sfL | sh -s latest
Total: 58
github/copilot.vim - 出至微软的一款AI生成代码的插件 abecodes/tabout.nvim
karb94/neoscroll.nvim - 滚屏插件 AckslD/nvim-neoclip.lua - 粘贴历史浏览
Theme | Time of the day |
rose-pine | [1am, 9am) |
tokyonight | [9am, 5pm) |
catppuccin | [5pm, 9pm) |
kanagawa | [9pm, 11:59pm), [0am, 1am] |
- 块注释 -visual_mode下按/
Note that,
- Leader key set as Space
Key-mappings (🔎 Click to expand/collapse)
Modes: 𝐍=normal 𝐕=visual 𝐒=select 𝐈=insert 𝐂=commandKey | Mode | Action | Plugin or Mapping |
Space+e | 𝐍 | Open file tree | NvimTree |
Space+o | 𝐍 | Open symbols | Symbols-outline |
Space+f | 𝐍 | Open file finder | Telescope |
Space+h | 𝐍 | Remove highlight | nohlsearch< |
Space+/ | 𝐍 | Toggle comment | Comment.nvim |
Space+? | 𝐍 | Open cheats | |
Space+' | 𝐍 | Open marks | which-key marks |
Space+z | 𝐍 | Zen mode | zen-mode.nvim |
Space+P | 𝐍 | Projects | project.nvim |
Ctrl+s | 𝐈 | show signature help | vim.lsp.buf.signature_help() |
Alt+s | 𝐈 | snippet selection | telescope luasnip extension |
Key | Mode | Action | Plugin or Mapping |
f | 𝐍 | find next chacharacter | HopChar1CurrentLineAC or Lightspeed_f |
F | 𝐍 | find prprevious character | HopChar1CurrentLineBC or Lightspeed_F |
s | 𝐍 | find chacharacter | HopChar2 or Lightspeed_s |
S | 𝐍 | find word | HopWord or Lightspeed_S |
Alt+a | 𝐈 | select all | ggVG |
Alt+a | 𝐍 | increment number | C-A |
Alt+x | 𝐍 | decrement number | C-X |
Key | Mode | Action |
Tab / Shift-Tab | 𝐈 | Navigate completion-menu |
Enter | 𝐈 | Select completion or expand snippet |
Upor Down | 𝐈 | Movement in completion pop-up |
]+d | 𝐍 | Next diagnostic |
[+d | 𝐍 | Previous diagnostic |
Space+l+j or Space+l+k | 𝐍 | Next/previous LSP diagnostic |
Ctrl+e | 𝐈 | Close pop-up |
Tab / Shift-Tab | 𝐈 𝐒 | Navigate snippet placeholders |
Space+l | 𝐍 | keybindings for lsp |
g+a | 𝐍 | code actions |
g+d | 𝐍 | goto definition |
g+D | 𝐍 | goto declaration |
g+I | 𝐍 | goto implementation |
g+p | 𝐍 | peek implementation |
g+r | 𝐍 | goto references |
g+s | 𝐍 | show signature help |
Key | Mode | Action |
Space+m+f | 𝐍 | Build File |
Space+m+p | 𝐍 | Build Project |
Space+m+e | 𝐍 | Edit Tasks |
Space+m+l | 𝐍 | List Tasks |
Space+r+f | 𝐍 | Run File |
Space+r+p | 𝐍 | Run Project |
Key | Mode | Action |
Space+g+j or Space+g+k | 𝐍 | Next/previous Git hunk |
Space+g+p | 𝐍 | Preview hunk |
Space+g+l | 𝐍 | Blame line |
Space+g+s | 𝐍 𝐕 | Stage hunk |
Space+g+u | 𝐍 | Undo stage hunk |
Space+g+R | 𝐍 𝐕 | Reset hunk |
Key | Mode | Action |
Space+g+g | 𝐍 | Open lazy git UI |
Key | Mode | Action |
Space+f | 𝐍 | File search |
Space+P | 𝐍 | Project search |
Space+s+s | 𝐍 | Grep search |
Space+F+l | 𝐍 | Reopen last search |
Space+b+f | 𝐍 | Buffers |
Space+s+c | 𝐍 | Colorschemes |
Space+s+C | 𝐍 | Command history |
Space+s+h | 𝐍 | Find help |
Space+s+k | 𝐍 | Keymap search |
Space+s+M | 𝐍 | Man Pages search |
Space+s+r | 𝐍 | Register search |
Space+s+t | 𝐕 | Grep string under cursor |
Space+s+t | 𝐍 | Grep raw |
Space+F+b | 𝐍 | Builtin search |
Space+F+f | 𝐍 | Current buffer search |
Space+F+g | 𝐍 | Git files search |
Space+F+i | 𝐍 | Installed plugins |
Space+F+p | 𝐍 | Project search |
Space+F+i | 𝐍 | Installed plugins |
Within Telescope window | ||
CR | 𝐈 𝐍 | Multi/Single Open |
Ctrl+c | 𝐈 𝐍 | Exit telescope |
Ctrl+v | 𝐈 𝐍 | Open in a vertical split |
Ctrl+s | 𝐈 𝐍 | Open in a split |
Ctrl+t | 𝐈 𝐍 | Open in a tab |
Tab | 𝐈 𝐍 | Toggle Selection + Next |
Shift+Tab | 𝐈 𝐍 | Toggle Selection + Prev |
Key | Mode | Action |
Space+Space | 𝐍 | show harpoon shortlist |
Space+a | 𝐍 | add file to shortlist |
Space+1 | 𝐍 | jump to first file on shortlist |
Space+2 | 𝐍 | jump to second file on shortlist |
Space+3 | 𝐍 | jump to third file on shortlist |
Space+4 | 𝐍 | jump to forforthle on shortlist |
Key | Mode | Action |
Space+n+c | 𝐍 | class docdocumentation |
Space+n+f | 𝐍 | function docdocumentation |
Key | Mode | Action |
Space+q+d | 𝐍 | quit without saving session |
Space+q+l | 𝐍 | restore last session |
Space+q+s | 𝐍 | restore last session from current dir |
Key | Mode | Action |
Space+b+f | 𝐍 | find buffer |
Space+b+b | 𝐍 | toggle buffer groups |
Space+b+p | 𝐍 | pick buffer |
Space+b+1 | 𝐍 | goto buffer 1 |
Space+b+h | 𝐍 | Close all to left |
Space+b+l | 𝐍 | Close all to right |
Space+b+D | 𝐍 | Sort by directory |
Space+b+L | 𝐍 | Sort by language |
Key | Mode | Action |
Space+t+d | 𝐍 | diagnostics |
Space+t+f | 𝐍 | definitions |
Space+t+r | 𝐍 | references |
Space+t+t | 𝐍 | todo |
Space+t+w | 𝐍 | workspace diagnostics |
Key | Mode | Action |
Ctrl+h | 𝐈 | copilot#Accept("<CR>") |
Ctrl+e | 𝐈 | close cmp menu |
Alt+] | 𝐈 | <Plug>(copilot-next) |
Alt+[ | 𝐈 | <Plug>(copilot-previous) |
Alt+</kbd> | 𝐈 | "<Cmd>vertical Copilot panel<CR>" |
You can use mason to install these:
cargo install selene # if you want to use selene instead of luacheck
brew install hadolint # if you want to lint dockerfiles
pip install vim-vint # for vim linting
# install llvm and clang_format for clang stuff
npm install -g @fsouza/prettierd # if you want to use prettierd
pip install yapf flake8 black # for python stuff
# if you want to use the markdown thingy
brew install vale markdownlint-cli
cp -r ~/.config/lvim/.vale ~/.config/vale
# fix the address inside .vale.ini
cp ~/.config/lvim/vale_config.ini ~/.vale.ini
# if you want the latex stuff
# brew install --cask mactex-no-gui # for mac
# or install zathura and chktex on linux
visual_mode gc line comment gb block comment
- [✓] 带图标字体
- [] chatgpt的插件结构