- Gothenburg
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OpenTTD is an open source simulation game based upon Transport Tycoon Deluxe
European option pricing, Black and Scholes Model
Predicting stock prices using Geometric Brownian Motion and the Monte Carlo method
A simple C++ setup for starting Advent-of-code challenges. Also includes a test runner.
A framework to build solutions to the Advent of Code competition on. It includes some basic utilities, and a test suite to verify your solutions. Example cases can also be tested.
20+ high-performance LLMs with recipes to pretrain, finetune and deploy at scale.
PDF GPT allows you to chat with the contents of your PDF file by using GPT capabilities. The most effective open source solution to turn your pdf files in a chatbot!
Stochastic Valuation Processes for stock prices and bond rates
Build high-quality LLM apps - from prototyping, testing to production deployment and monitoring.
Theorems and proofs for TMA947: Nonlinear optimization
Python script that solves standard linear programs with the Simplex algorithm and outputs step-by-step LaTeX instructions.
Node API for Apple's iCloud services
A C++ ROS2 node that read sensor data from ADI IMU and publishes message to topic.
This repository have an simple class in C++ to communicate with Multicast.
dgiardini / rtl-ais
Forked from keenerd/rtl-sdr-miscA simple AIS tuner and generic dual-frequency FM demodulator
AIS message decoding and encoding in Python (AIVDM/AIVDO)
Pelias is a modular open-source geocoder using Elasticsearch.
Platform to experiment with the AI Software Engineer. Terminal based. NOTE: Very different from https://gptengineer.app
☄🌌️ The minimal, blazing-fast, and infinitely customizable prompt for any shell!
Cookiecutter Django is a framework for jumpstarting production-ready Django projects quickly.
django chatbot using django channels, web sockets, Redis. ready for production (heroku)
A Chatbot Using Python, Django https://dev.to/documatic/build-a-chatbot-using-python-django-46hb
ROS2 Drivers for the Ouster OS-0, OS-1, and OS-2 Lidars
A simple CLI for tracking your working time.