AliYun oss for react native,支持 Android + iOS,感谢aliyun-oss-react-native提供的基础。 首先向各位声明,本库是在 aliyun-oss-react-native 基础上进行重写,但因常年未曾维护,旧版SDK 等问题,最终决定开一个新仓库,提供给新项目使用。
- React Native > 0.60
- Node 8.0 or above
- iOS 10.0 or above
- Android 4.4 or above
npm install rn-alioss
yarn add rn-alioss
cd ios
pod install
do nothing (The Gradle will automatically import rn-alioss )
This section describes the APIs that are currently implemented and partially supported by the React Native SDK. These APIs mainly cover log management, bucket management, object management, authorization, file upload, and download. Follow-up to improve the relevant API and BUG repair. API list is as follows
API | Android | iOS |
enableDevMode | Y | Y |
initWithPlainTextAccessKey | Y | Y |
initWithSecurityToken | Y | Y |
initWithServerSTS | Y | Y |
asyncUpload | Y | Y |
initMultipartUpload | Y | Y |
multipartUpload | Y | Y |
listParts | Y | Y |
abortMultipartUpload | Y | Y |
asyncDownload | Y | Y |
asyncCreateBucket | Y | Y |
asyncGetBucketACL | Y | Y |
asyncListBuckets | Y | Y |
asyncDeleteBucket | Y | Y |
asyncHeadObject | Y | Y |
asyncListObjects | Y | Y |
doesObjectExist | Y | Y |
doesObjectExist | Y | Y |
asyncDeleteObject | Y | Y |
import { AliyunOSS } from "rn-alioss";
declare type OSSinit = {
maxRetryCount: number;
timeoutIntervalForRequest: number;
timeoutIntervalForResource: number;
declare type OssListOptions = {
prefix: string;
marker?: string;
maxKeys?: string;
delimiter?: string;
declare type AppendType = {
appendPosition: number;
contentType: string;
contentMd5: string;
contentEncoding: string;
contentDisposition: string;
init auth client with accessKeyId and accessKeySecret,please refer to the can use ,but we do not suggest use it。
const endPoint = "https://xxx"
const configuration = {
maxRetryCount: 3,
timeoutIntervalForRequest: 30,
timeoutIntervalForResource: 24 * 60 * 60
AliyunOSS. initWithPlainTextAccessKey(accessKey: string, secretKey: string, endPoint: string, configuration?: OSSinit): void;
init client with SecurityToken
AliyunOSS.initWithSecurityToken(securityToken: string, accessKey: string, secretKey: string, endPoint: string, configuration?: OSSinit): void;
AliyunOSS.asyncUpload(bucketName: string, objectKey: string, filepath: string, options?: {}): Promise<any>;
AliyunOSS.asyncAppendObject(bucketName: string, objectKey: string, filepath: string, options?: AppendType): Promise<any>;
AliyunOSS.asyncResumableUpload(bucketName: string, objectKey: string, filepath?: string, options?: {}): Promise<any>;
AliyunOSS.initMultipartUpload(bucketName: string, objectKey: string): Promise<any>;
//uploadId is the value When call initMultipartUpload ,success callback return
AliyunOSS.abortMultipartUpload(bucketName: string, objectKey: string, uploadId: string): Promise<any>;
AliyunOSS.listParts(bucketName: string, objectKey: string, uploadId: string): Promise<any>;
AliyunOSS.abortMultipartUpload(bucketName: string, objectKey: string, uploadId: string): Promise<any>;
AliyunOSS. asyncDownload(bucketName: string, objectKey: string, filepath?: string, options?: {
'x-oss-process': string;
}): Promise<any>;
AliyunOSS. asyncCreateBucket(bucketName: string, acl: string | undefined, region: string):
AliyunOSS.asyncGetBucketACL(bucketName: string): Promise<any>;
AliyunOSS.asyncListBuckets(): Promise<any>;
AliyunOSS.asyncDeleteBucket(bucketName: string): Promise<any>;
AliyunOSS.asyncHeadObject(bucketName: string, objectKey: string): Promise<any>;
list objects in some conditions
- name {String} bucket name
- options {Object}
- [delimiter] {String}
- [prefix] {String} search buckets using
key - [marker] {String} search start from
, includingmarker
key - [maxKeys] {String|Number} max buckets, default is
, limit to1000
AliyunOSS.asyncListObjects(bucketName: string, options?: OssListOptions | undefined): Promise<any>;
AliyunOSS.doesObjectExist(bucketName: string, objectKey: string): Promise<any>;
AliyunOSS.asyncCopyObject(srcBucketName: string, srcObjectKey: string, desBucketName: string, destObjectKey: string, options: any): Promise<any>;
AliyunOSS. asyncDeleteObject(bucketName: string, objectKey: string): Promise<any>;
See the contributing guide to learn how to contribute to the repository and the development workflow.