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Norm: A Nim ORM

Build Status Nimble

Norm is an object-oriented, framework-agnostic ORM for Nim that supports SQLite and PostgreSQL.


Install Norm with Nimble:

$ nimble install norm

Add Norm to your .nimble file:

requires "norm"

Here's a brief intro to Norm. Save as hellonorm.nim and run with nim c -r hellonorm.nim:

import norm/sqlite                        # Import SQLite backend; ``norm/postgres`` for PostgreSQL.

import unicode, options                   # Norm supports `Option` type out of the box.

import logging                            # Import logging to inspect the generated SQL statements.
addHandler newConsoleLogger()

db("petshop.db", "", "", ""):             # Set DB connection credentials.
  type                                    # Describe models in a type section.
    User = object                         # Model is a Nim object.
      age: Positive                       # Nim types are automatically converted into SQL types
                                          # and back.
                                          # You can specify how types are converted using
                                          # ``parser``, ``formatter``,
                                          # ``parseIt``, and ``formatIt`` pragmas.
      name {.
        formatIt: ?capitalize(it)         # E.g., enforce ``name`` stored in DB capitalized.
      .}: string
      ssn: Option[int]                    # ``Option`` fields are allowed to be NULL.

withDb:                                   # Start DB session.
  createTables(force=true)                # Create tables for objects.
                                          # ``force=true`` means “drop tables if they exist.”

  var bob = User(                         # Create a ``User`` instance as you normally would.
    age: 23,                              # You can use ``initUser`` if you want.
    name: "bob",                          # Note that the instance is mutable. This is necessary,
    ssn: some 456                         # because implicit ``id``attr is updated on insertion.
  bob.insert()                            # Insert ``bob`` into DB.
  echo "Bob ID = ",                # ``id`` attr is added by Norm and updated on insertion.

  discard insertId User(                  # Insert an immutable model instance and return its ID.
    age: 12,
    name: "alice",
    ssn: none int

withCustomDb("mirror.db", "", "", ""):    # Override default DB credentials
  createTables(force=true)                # to connect to a different DB with the same models.

  let bobs = User.getMany(                # Read records from DB:
    100,                                  # - only the first 100 records
    cond="name LIKE 'Bob%' ORDER BY age"  # - matching condition

  echo "Bobs = ", bobs

  var bob = User.getOne(1)                # Fetch record from DB and store it as ``User`` instance.
  bob.age += 10                           # Change attr value.
  bob.update()                            # Update the record in DB.

  bob.delete()                            # Delete the record.
  echo "Bob ID = ",                # ``id`` is 0 for objects not stored in DB.

  transaction:                            # Put multiple statements under ``transaction`` to run
    for i in 1..10:                       # them as a single DB transaction. If any operation fails,
      var user = User(                    # the entire transaction is cancelled.
        age: 20+i,
        name: "User " & $i,
        ssn: some i
      insert user

  dropTables()                            # Drop all tables.

Reference Guide

Model Declaration




Create Records

Read Records

Update Records

Delete Records



Note: Although Norm provides the means to write and apply migrations manually, the plan is to develop a tool to generate migrations from model diffs and apply them with the option to rollback.


Any contributions are welcome: pull requests, code reviews, documentation improvements, bug reports, and feature requests.

  • See the [issues on GitHub](

  • Run the tests before and after you change the code.

    The recommended way to run the tests is via [Docker]( and [Docker Compose](

    $ docker-compose run --rm tests                     # run all test suites
    $ docker-compose run --rm test tests/tpostgres.nim  # run a single test suite

    If you don't mind running two PostgreSQL servers on postgres_1 and postgres_2, feel free to run the test suites natively:

    $ nimble test

    Note that you only need the PostgreSQL servers to run the PostgreSQL backend tests, so:

    $ nim c -r tests/tsqlite.nim    # doesn't require PostgreSQL servers, but requires SQLite
    $ nim c -r tests/tobjutils.nim  # doesn't require anything at all
  • Use camelCase instead of snake_case.

  • New procs must have a documentation comment. If you modify an existing proc, update the comment.

  • Apart from the code that implements a feature or fixes a bug, PRs are required to ship necessary tests and a changelog updates.

❤ Contributors ❤

Norm would not be where it is today without the efforts of these fine folks:


No packages published


  • Nim 99.8%
  • Dockerfile 0.2%