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A mapping application to automatically transfer an FPB json export into an FPB ontology.


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Convert JSON FPB models into an FPB ontology

Formalized Process Description (FPB) is a lightweight process modelling approach standardized in VDI guideline 3682. It allows simple modelling of various processes in an intuitive and graphical way.

With fpb.js, there is a modern, browser-based implementation that can be used to easily model processes according to FPB. It works on a JSON data model. In addition to that, there is an ontology that can be used to model processes according to FPB: (

FPB-OWL-Mapper can automatically transform a JSON FPB model into that FPB ontology.


Node.js is required. Make sure to download it from and install it on your machine.


FPB-OWL-Mapper can be used both as a CLI and by importing it into one of your projects

As a CLI

Simply take the CLI script from the releases and run it on your local machine:

node fpb2owl-cli.js map "filePath" -n "Namespace" -o "ontologyIri"


  • filePath is a path to a file (fpb.js JSON export) you want to map
  • n (alias: namespace) is the namespace of all individuals that will be created
  • o (alias: ontolgyIri) is the IRI of the ontology that will be created

Inside your own JavaScript / TypeScript projects

Simply import fpb-owl-mapper into your own npm project using npm install fpb-owl-mapper. After installing, you can import and use the map(fpbModel, namespace, ontologyIri) function. Here's a little example:

import { map } from "fpb-owl-mapper";
import * as fs from "fs"

// In this case, the model is read from file. Of course, you could also have a model in your application
const file =  fs.readFileSync("./exampleProcess.json")
const fpbJson = JSON.parse(file.toString())

const res = map(fpbJson);

// Output will be a long string with the transformed model in .ttl syntax