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Releases: hpuhr/COMPASS

Youthful Yeti

29 Feb 10:19
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  • Views
    • Renamed OSGView to Geographic View, ListBox View to Table View
    • Added view presets: Allows easy switching of view configurations for different use cases, can be edited or new ones created
    • Added auto-update function, a view refresh is immediately triggered after every change (can be disabled when using very large datasets)
  • Improved Geographic View for display of target reports at very very high zoom levels (sub-1m)
  • Improved handling of file paths, now the most recently used path is saved and defaulted for other file operations
  • Improved ASTERIX recording import
    • Multiple files can be added (with the same settings)
    • Files are probed with the decoder before import, import can only be started if no decoder errors exist
  • Added importing ASTERIX from PCAP file recordings (from Wireshark or tcpdump)
  • Improved cross-selection
    • Is now persisted over data reloads, previously selected data is again selected after a re-load
    • Selected target reports are always displayed "on top" in the Geographic View
  • Added connections lines in Scatterplot View (for smallish datasets of single targets)
  • Added EUROCAE ED-87D standard
  • Added Fixed Field Transponders (FFTs), for display and to mitigate wrong slant-range correction
  • Added screenshot tool
  • Fixed GPS NMEA import issues
  • Improved automated testing, fixed various issues

HotFix1 Release

  • Corrected an issue leading to a crash in certain ASTERIX Raw/Netto import situations

HotFix2 Release

  • Resolved crash in OldOS AppImage when importing ASTERIX recording
  • Resolved PCAP recording import issues: Padding bytes special cases, framing
  • Resolved Geographic View issues when using UI->Reset Views


  • NewOS: For more recent OS', Debian 9 and later
  • OldOS: For older OS', Ubuntu 14 and later, CentOS 7, or when NewOS can not start

Xenial Xenomorph

20 Sep 13:40
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  • Added reference calculation
    • Based on ADS-B and System Tracker data
    • Kalman filter variants with RTS smoother
    • Various filtering and usage options
  • Evaluation
    • Added EUROCAE ED-142 standard
    • Added EUROCAE ED-87E standard
    • Added Radar evaluation (similar to EUROCONTROL's 'blue book')
    • Added Radar Position Range / Azimuth requirements
    • Added complex minimum flight level filter (to filter test data based on airspace sectors)
    • Improved performance (RAM and results inspection speed)
    • Improved evaluation results display (not only errors, but also OK target reports)
  • Added targets display in main window (for easier inspection e.g. of association results)
  • Added CAT021 reserved expansion field
  • Added I020/400 contributing receivers analysis
  • Improved DGPS NMEA import
  • Added zoom functions in OSGView (zoom to rectangle, zoom to selection)
  • Re-added ARTAS target report usage analysis (based on REF TRIs)

Wacky Wombat HF2

17 Feb 07:37
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  • Added feature to reset views to startup configuration (main menu -> UI -> Reset Views)
  • Added Mode A/C garbled/valid characters into label
  • Moved "Use Filters" checkbox into the "Filters" main tab header
  • Added export database feature: Creates a backup copy of the database
  • Added measurement label text (to indicate which one is which)
  • Added OSGView label all/no data sources button
  • Live mode improvements
    • Added auto-resuming in Live:Pause mode (question displayed every hour, must be clicked to not auto-resume)
    • Added configuration option to display "Online/Offline" state in OSGView (online if current live data is displayed)
  • Minor
    • Added configuration option to disable OSGView rotate map
    • Removed save config in file menu (if --no-cfg-save parameter is used)
    • Added configuration option to remove "Stop" button (no switch to Offline mode)
    • Added configuration option to disable removing / adding new views
    • Added display of target reports without time information in Listbox View
  • Bugs
    • Fixed evaluation crash when no time information was given in the test / reference data (now such data is ignored)
    • Fixed issue where resuming from Live:Pause mode into Live:Running could fail
    • Fixed OSGView issue which could cause the maximized label to be displayed permanently
    • Fixed OSGView issue where labeling all/no data sources would not update checkboxes


  • NewOS: For more recent OS', Debian 9 and later
  • OldOS: For older OS', Ubuntu 14 and later, CentOS 7, or when NewOS can not start

Wacky Wombat HF1

13 Jan 16:12
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  • Live mode changes
    • (Greatly) Improved performance
    • Developed for for 24/7/365 operation (tested for 2 weeks MTBF)
    • Added log file guide for 24/7 operation in user manual
    • Added setup guide for minimal COMPASS users
    • Various small GUI improvements
  • Improved OSGView auto-label jittering
  • Histogram/Scatterplot view improvements
  • Added creation of 2 Appimages for both older and recent operating systems
  • Described option to create offline OpenStreepMap map in user manual
  • Fixed several bugs


  • Both AppImage contain the same functionality, but were built to be used different operating systems
  • OldOS: Older OS': Ubuntu 14 and newer, Centos 7, ...
  • NewOS: Newer OS': Ubuntu 16 and newer, Debian 9 and newer, current Alma versions

Wacky Wombat

21 Oct 11:14
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  • Added EPOCH timestamp for target reports
    • Calculated from Time of Day and a given data, allows correct import of date from multiple days
  • Improved View mouse interaction
    • Combined previous mouse modes into default mode
    • Reworked tools into one-shot tools with LMB press-drag-release interaction
  • Added OSGView how/hide config panel button
  • Improved OSGView Auto-labeling
    • Added click-interaction with label to show full content (while LMB presssed)
    • Added auto-labeling for data sources without defined update interval
    • Improved label decluttering
  • Improved View Points
    • Reworked to current filter definitions
    • Added import lines and date information
  • Added double-ended slide for Mode C codes
  • Reworked network lines for filtering
  • Added Live mode pausing/resuming
  • Numerous fixes
    • Fixed 24h jump in Live mode
    • Added calculation for Radar plot position information in CAT010
    • Fixed position calculation issue for latitudes >90°
    • Decoding issue with REF without data content
    • ...

Valiant Viscacha

13 Jun 13:24
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  • Major GUI refactoring
  • Added Live mode
  • Added OSGView Auto-Labeling
  • Completely reworked database backend
  • Improved mapping of ASTERIX to database content
  • Added (network) lines for import distinction
  • Improved command-line options for automated evaluation
  • Improved data source management usability
  • Improved Target Report association performance
  • Removed everything related to MySQL and SCDB
  • Improved user manual
  • Numerous bug fixes


  • Fixed crash with Radar range 0 values
  • Fixed crash when editing data sources
  • Fixed crash when using Calculation Radar Plot Position task
  • Fixed ASTERIX import hang issue
  • Fixed evaluation issue when comparing 2 Line of same data source

Ubiquitous Unicorn

01 Oct 06:46
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  • Added Radar Detection Type Filter
  • Added CAT062 Track Ages information to database
  • Added Dubious Track detection requirement in Evaluation
  • Added Mode C code target filter in Evaluation
  • Added in OSGView
    • Data Source based render order
    • Track Age Style
    • Radar Detection Type style
    • Time Window filter settings are persisted
  • Fixed
    • Loss of 25ft information with some Mode C codes
    • Issues with GPS trail and Sector import formats
    • CAT062 REF decoding issue
    • CAT019/553 decoding issue

Tenacious Tapir

20 Apr 15:29
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  • Added command-line options for ASTERIX decoder settings
  • Added OSGView connection line breaking
  • Target report association improvements
  • Improved Mode A/C association
  • Improved primary-only association
  • Added track continuation
  • Created airport data simulator & demo dataset
  • Tested and documented EUROCAE ED-117A
  • Added customizable variable lists in Listbox View
  • Bugfixes
    • Wrong ASTERIX CAT010 range unit
    • ARTAS TRIs association task running
    • Evaluation probability of identification calculation issue
    • Various others ...

Stylish Shark

22 Feb 16:28
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  • Added ASTERIX CAT010 Decoding & Mapping
  • Improved Calculation of Radar Positions Task
    • Recommended only if latitude/longitude information is actually missing
  • Improved Sector management: Layer, color can be set during import
  • Added Exclude Sectors
    • Sectors can be added as Exclude sectors, removing target reports from evaluation in specific areas
  • Various tests with EUROCAE ED-87C, ED-116, ED-117A datasets
  • Added OSGView Accuracy Ellipse Configuration
    • More points can be set for ground evaluations
  • Added Geometry Group based Selection in OSGView
    • Data from any group can be selected, added to or removed from current selection
  • Various Bugfixes
    • Latitude/Longitude Information sometimes imprecise (up to a few meters) due to LSB issue
    • CAT020 Import crash with some Item 500 configurations
    • Improved running under older operating systems (CentOS Symbol not defined issue)
    • Evaluation Probability of Long Gap requirement was calculated wrong
    • Evaluation Speed requirement crash
    • ASTERIX Test Import crash
    • Other minor ones...
  • User manual improvements

Radiant Racoon

21 Jan 16:34
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Radiant Racoon Pre-release
  • Improved target report association
    • Mode A/C and position criteria
  • Evaluation improvements (still experimental, for testing purposes only)
    • UTN filtering based on dynamic criteria
    • Added optional ADS-B MOPS version-specific results, ADS-B quality filters
    • Additional configuration parameters for evaluation report generation
    • Refactored + added new requirements
    • Added EUROCAE standards ED-116, ED-117/A, ED-87C
  • Improved Database Schema/ASTERIX Import
    • Added I062/290 Data Ages, I062/340 Last updating sensor, I062/380 Flight status ground bit
  • Added HistogramView
  • Added ScatterplotView
  • Reworked Management window to Load window, improved usability
  • Fixed various bugs
  • Updated user manual

Hotfix 1 Fixes:

  • Crash when opening SASS-C Verif databases
  • Scatterplot not showing data if only present in some DBObjects
  • GPS Trail import error
  • Added evaluation detail zoom parameter