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Ref: Modern C++ Programming with Test-driven development by Jeff Langr

Effective Modern C++ by Scott Meyers

  • Location 1620: C++ forbids reference to bits - auto in bool might be dangerous
  • Location 1745: instead of C-style casting like (int)d, use static_cast<int> (d)
  • Location 1863: uniform initializatio or braced initialization
    • int x(0);
    • int x= 0;
    • int x {0};
    • {} can be used anywhere. x(0) may not work in the class declaration. x=0 may not work for atomic
    • But {} checks type more strictly. Casting or type conversion will work with () or =
    • In overloading of constructors, it will prefer initialization_list
    • std::vector v1(10,20); 10 length vector with value of 20
    • std::vector v1{10,20}; a single vector with 2 elements of 10,20
  • Location 2342: typedef => using

Best practice of C++11

  • Pass by value vs pass by const address
  • Using unique pointer
    • Allocate dynamic array using new while delete is not required. Garbage collection
    • Not suitable for MPI communication. Use STL instead
    • Legacy pointer : requires delete
    int *x;
    x = new int (4);
    delete[] x;
    • std::unique_ptr : garbage collection. no delete
    std::unique_ptr<int[]> v {new int [4]}
    • Using make_unique (since -std=c++14) : garbage collection. no delete
    std::unique_ptr<int[]> w;
    w = std::make_unique<int[]>(4);


  • Detection of uninitialized variables are done when the variables are compared
  • Assigning uninitialized value is NOT detected

ctest from cmake

  • ctest # run all tests - unit test, regression test, ...
  • ctest -L some_test # run some_test among all tests
  • ctest -LE some_test # run all tests but some_test
  • ctest --timeout 1000 # each test will use time out 1000 sec
  • ctest -R my_unit_test_01 # run one set named my_unit_test_01 among all tests
  • ctest -VV -R my_unit_test_01 # run one set named my_unit_test01 among all tests. Higher verbosity. stdout will be shown in the screen output