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Spark Irrigation with Docker & docker-compose(2021 ver.)


A simple spark standalone cluster for your testing environment purposes. A docker-compose up away from you solution for your spark development environment.

The Docker compose will create the following containers:

container Exposed ports
spark-master 9090 7077
spark-worker-1 9091
spark-worker-2 9092


The following steps will make you run your spark cluster's containers.

Pre requisites

  • Docker installed

  • Docker compose installed

Build the image

docker build -t spark:3.1.2 .

Run the docker-compose

The final step to create your test cluster will be to run the compose file:

docker-compose up -d

Validate your cluster

Just validate your cluster accesing the spark UI on each worker & master URL.

Spark Master


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Spark Worker 1


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Spark Worker 2


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Resource Allocation

This cluster is shipped with three workers and one spark master, each of these has a particular set of resource allocation(basically RAM & cpu cores allocation).

  • The default CPU cores allocation for each spark worker is 1 core.

  • The default RAM for each spark-worker is 1024 MB.

  • The default RAM allocation for spark executors is 256mb.

  • The default RAM allocation for spark driver is 128mb

  • If you wish to modify this allocations just edit the env/ file.

Binded Volumes

To make app running easier I've shipped two volume mounts described in the following chart:

Host Mount Container Mount Purposse
apps /opt/spark-apps Used to make available your app's jars on all workers & master

This is basically a dummy DFS created from docker Volumes...(maybe not...)

How to attach you container ?

Example: if you container id is c0, let try the following command

docker exec -it c0 /bin/bash

Inside container, let try with spark-shell

./bin/spark-shell --master spark:https://spark-master:7077

Inside container, let try with pyspark

./bin/pyspark --master spark:https://spark-master:7077

Run some example

./bin/run-example --master spark:https://spark-master:7077 SparkPi 1000
./bin/spark-submit --master spark:https://spark-master:7077 examples/src/main/python/ 1000
./bin/spark-submit --master spark:https://spark-master:7077 --class SimpleApp /opt/spark-apps/fuzzy/fuzzylogic/target/scala-2.12/fuzzylogic_2.12-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
./bin/spark-submit --master spark:https://spark-master:7077 --class simpleFuzzy /opt/spark-apps/fuzzy2/fuzzylogic/target/scala-2.12/fuzzylogic_v2_2.12-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar


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