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AWS and VSCode errors

Connect with PuTTy:

  • Error Server refused our key
    πŸ‘ Always recheck the instance user_name (from here, e.g. ec2-user, ubuntu,...etc) and your Public IPv4 DNS in the Instance details.
    Format: instance_user_name@Public_IPv4_DNS

Reconnect with puTTy

  • Error: after it connected once, I tried to connect again but this error Network Error: Connection timed out appeared
    πŸ‘ At each time you stop/start the instance the public DNS changes so you have to update it each time on the Host box in puTTy.

Connecting AWS with VSCode

Followed this video untill the minute (1:30) then ran into an error

  • Error: process tried to write to a nonexistent pipe preceded by Garabage at the end of line..
    πŸ‘ I had spaces in the path of the .pem key, so I needed to copy it to another path without spaces and it worked :+1: If you've the .pem in D_drive, change to C_drive :+1: Always check the configuration file is correctly written

Enabling bash debugger on vscode and aws machine

Followed this link with all configurations\

  • Error: try to reach unreachable code while setting environment
    πŸ‘ Check intallation of WSL before linux distros and enable virtualization on your PC through BIOS.

Debug bash file that needs arguments/operands

πŸ‘ instead of arguments placeholder '$0, $1, $2' write their equivalent strings; ".."

Reactivate Conda environment in VSCode

πŸ‘ Follow this answer where the steps are:

  1. ctrl + shift + p on vscode, search for select interpreter
  2. Select the Anaconda environment (probably 1st env)

Can't see a module that's definitely downloaded by (pip) and (sudo pip)

πŸ‘ Re-check that you're selecting the python interpreter that you're installing at, and that you're standing at

To get previous commands used in your linux (Reverse history)

  • Press ctrl + R

Unable to install pip while trying to make sudo apt-get python-pip

  • Followed the steps here
  • sudo apt-get install software-properties-common
  • sudo apt-add-repository universe
  • sudo apt-get update
  • sudo apt-get install python-pip
  • sudo apt-get install python2-pip or 3 instead of 2

VSCode error while Installing libraries "Reload Required" even after reloading

  • Need to install the latest version of vscode and have the same python interpreter version locally and remotely on vscode

VSCode: error while trying to select interpreter

  • error: command 'python.setInterpreter' not found
  • πŸ‘ there are some solutions as this. However, it didn't work for me. What worked for me was to add a default path for the python interpreter in settings.json
  • settings.json path: C:\Users\%%your_user%%\.vscode\extensions\ms-python.python-2022.4.1\pythonFiles\.vscode\settings.json
  • default path of python interpreter can be that of python which can be checked from debugging in vscode, it'll be the first path: e.g. C:/Users/%%your_user%%/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python39/python.exe
  • Modify the settings.json to add: "python.defaultInterpreterPath": %%your_default_path%%