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Releases: hoseinnikkhah/CloudflareSpeedTest-English


19 Jun 17:34
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Latest Release

Some changes been applied, this is final version and is translated to English, even comment line :)

windows amd64 beta

15 Mar 19:13
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windows amd64 beta Pre-release

In this release I changed some of the codes, mostly are related about translation however I made a little changes to main code so it works a bit better.
I also changed URL to a different Cloud-flare site so you won't get 0.00 Mb error anymore. I noticed some users can't fix the error with - url command, this is because Power Shell can not execute that command change it to CMD.
Here is a test version for 64bit windows users.
Kindly create your own ip text file and please keep in mind in order to test this for other CDNs, you should change the link with either cmd or terminal depending on your device.

Final Release for all platforms

16 Feb 18:25
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