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API Gateway triggered Lambda infrastructure

CI Renovate enabled Mergify enabled

Code template



  • Add the following block to your infrastructure code
module "demo_api_gateway_lambda" {
  source = ""

  lambda_name                = "demo-api-gateway-lambda"
  lambda_memory_MB           = 512
  lambda_logs_retention_days = 7
  http_method                = "GET"
  http_route                 = "/time"
  http_timeout_seconds       = 30
  apigw_logs_retention_days  = 7
  burst_limit_rps            = 1
  rate_limit_rps             = 1
  initial_setup              = true # TO BE REMOVED once the first ECR image gets created!
  • Make sure your AWS OIDC for GitHub workflows role only contains permissions referencing ecr_repo_arn and NOT lambda_function_arn.
  • Apply the Terraform changes.
  • Run the service CI pipeline to publish the first ECR image (the pipeline will fail at the "Update lambda" stage).
  • Remove initial_setup from your configuration (defaulting it to false).
  • Update your AWS OIDC for GitHub workflows role by adding the permission referencing lambda_function_arn as well.
  • Apply the Terraform changes again.
  • Run the service CI pipeline again to update the lambda with the latest ECR image.