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Qubit Tic Tac Toe- A quantum game for quantum mechanics and quantum programming education

Runs in python. Requires sympy package or qiskit.

Download for the game.

Download qubit tic tac toe tutorial.ipynb to understand the game and circuit logic(this notebook explains how qiskit is implemented in the game)


Qubit Tic Tac Toe replaces the classical marking with quantum marking. Each player can perform either 1 measurement, or 2 unitary moves. The first to form a straight line with the player's own classical marking will win the game.

This quantization is different from Goff's quantization, where he quantizes the moves instead of the marking.


  1. Players choose to make 2 unitary operations OR 1 projective operation on a box.
  2. Unitary operations include: Initiate a qubit, X gate and Hadamard Gate.
  3. The projective operation will collapse the qubit into a classical bit.
  4. The player wins by forming a straight line using 3 classical bit.

Brief Introduction:

How to demonstrate quantum teleportation in the game:

Game Interface


What is a qubit?

A bit is an classical information carrier, which is simply 0 or 1. In the simplest form, we can store information as a string of 0s and 1s. A qubit is an quantum information carrier. Aside from the classical information(0 and 1), a qubit contains quantum information as well. This extra information makes quantum information and quantum computer different (perhaps more powerful) than a classical computer. 070817_essay_qubit_main (retrieved from

A qubit can be visualize as a sphere. Classical information 0 and 1 lies on the surface of the sphere, opposite to one another. To retrieve classical information from qubit, one needs to destroy the sphere by projecting the state vector(which describe the type of qubit) onto one of the chosen basis. This is known as the measurement postulate.

The strength of quantum computing comes from the ability to manipulate the qubit before measurement. You can rotate the qubit, entangle 2 qubits to perform computation. These operations don't destroy the quantum state, hence they are given a special name, called unitary operation.


13/12/18 Uploaded Quantum Tic Tac Toe V1

31/8/19 Uploaded Quantum Tic Tac Toe V2 and V4

12/10/19 Uploaded Qubit Tic Tac Toe GUI v1 V4

  1. Players allow to see quantum state.
  2. Initial Quantum State is |000000000>

4/9/19 Fixed bug in QTTT V4

6/9/19 Fixed the display for quantum state QTTT V4

11/10/19 Added round constraint for QTTT V4

15/11/19 Cleaned up the code for Qiskit GUI

21/12/19 Added CNOT gate into the game.

4/1/20 Cleaned the codes and fix some bugs

11/1/20 Added wraplength(automatically wrap the text if it is too long), Allow players to skip their turn


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