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Due to #158 reason, password login no longer exist. Please use api.auth(refresh_token=REFRESH_TOKEN) instead

To get refresh_token, see @ZipFile Pixiv OAuth Flow or OAuth with Selenium/ChromeDriver

Pixiv API for Python (with Auth supported)

  • [2022/02/04] Remove Public-API support as it's deprecated by Pixiv, see !201
  • [2021/11/23] Add illust_new for get latest works, see !189
  • [2021/03/02] Add user follow/unfollow, add novel API, see !161 (thanks @y-young, @invobzvr)
  • [2020/10/17] Use cloudscraper to bypass Cloudflare, fixed issue #140 (thanks @lllusion3469)
  • [2020/07/19] Add date specification for search_illust() (thanks Xdynix)
  • [2020/06/06] Add AppPixivAPI().search_novel() for novel search
  • [2019/09/23] 增加大陆地区AppAPI的免翻墙访问支持, release v3.5 (See, thanks @Notsfsssf)
  • [2019/09/03] Support new auth() check X-Client-Time/X-Client-Hash (thanks DaRealFreak, #83)
  • [2019/04/27] Support hosts proxy for AppAPI, which can use behind the Great Wall (See
  • [2017/04/18] Fix encoder BUG for illust_bookmark_add()/illust_bookmark_delete() params (thanks naplings)
  • [2017/01/05] Add PixivAPI().works() liked API illust_detail() for App-API (thanks Mapaler), release v3.3
  • [2016/12/17] Fixed encoding BUG for Public-API, see #26 (thanks Xdynix)
  • [2016/07/27] Now AppPixivAPI() can call without auth (thanks zzycami), check
  • [2016/07/20] New App-API (Experimental) for PixivIOSApp/6.0.9
  • [2016/07/11] Add new iOS 6.x API reference to Wiki
  • [2015/12/02] Add write API for favorite an user / illust, release v3.1
  • [2015/08/11] Remove SPAI and release v3.0 (pixivpy3) (Public-API with Search API)
  • [2015/05/16] As Pixiv deprecated SAPI in recent days, push new Public-API ranking_all
  • [2014/10/07] New framework, SAPI / Public-API supported (requests needed)

Use pip for installing:

# for Python3
pip install pixivpy3 --upgrade

# for Python2
pip install pixivpy --upgrade

Requirements: requests

Mikubill/PixivPy-Async: Async Pixiv API for Python 3


@Mikubill: 简单进行了一下并发测试。(撞了N次Rate Limit...)

sg -> Singapore, jp -> Japan, unit -> second

Method Sync(10,sg) Async(10,sg) Sync(200,sg) Async(200,sg)
illust_detail 1.1209 0.8641 31.7041 2.4580
illust_ranking 1.0697 0.7936 28.4539 2.0693
user_illusts 0.8824 0.7505 28.3981 1.8199
user_detail 0.9628 0.7550 28.3055 1.7738
ugoira_metadata 0.8509 0.7459 29.5566 2.2331
works 1.1204 0.8912 32.2068 2.8513
me_following_works 1.1253 0.7845 39.3142 2.2785
ranking 1.0946 0.7944 39.6509 2.6548
latest_works 1.0483 0.8667 36.1992 2.5066
Method Sync(500,jp) Async(500,jp)
illust_detail 6.2178 0.6400
illust_ranking 6.4046 0.6119
user_illusts 7.6093 1.5266
user_detail 6.6759 0.5952
ugoira_metadata 6.5155 0.7577
works 13.3074 0.8619
me_following_works 24.2693 2.0835
ranking 21.4119 3.2805
latest_works 17.3502 2.7029

Projects base on pixivpy

  1. Mikubill/PixivPy-Async: Async Pixiv API for Python 3


from pixivpy3 import *

api = AppPixivAPI()
# api.login("username", "password")   # Not required

# get origin url
json_result = api.illust_detail(59580629)
illust = json_result.illust
print(">>> origin url: %s" % illust.image_urls['large'])

# get ranking: 1-30
# mode: [day, week, month, day_male, day_female, week_original, week_rookie, day_manga]
json_result = api.illust_ranking('day')
for illust in json_result.illusts:
    print(" p1 [%s] %s" % (illust.title, illust.image_urls.medium))

# next page: 31-60
next_qs = api.parse_qs(json_result.next_url)
json_result = api.illust_ranking(**next_qs)
for illust in json_result.illusts:
    print(" p2 [%s] %s" % (illust.title, illust.image_urls.medium))

# get all page:
next_qs = {"mode": "day"}
while next_qs:
    json_result = api.illust_ranking(**next_qs)
    for illust in json_result.illusts:
        print("[%s] %s" % (illust.title, illust.image_urls.medium))
    next_qs = api.parse_qs(json_result.next_url)
  1. Upgrade pixivpy >= v3.2.0: pip install pixivpy --upgrade
  2. Call like the below:
aapi = AppPixivAPI()
json_result = aapi.illust_ranking()
for illust in json_result.illusts[:3]:
  1. Replace api.papi.* to api.*
  2. Change deprecated SPAI call to Public-API call
print(">>> new ranking_all(mode='daily', page=1, per_page=50)")
#rank_list = api.sapi.ranking("all", 'day', 1)
rank_list = api.ranking_all('daily', 1, 50)

# more fields about response:
ranking = rank_list.response[0]
for img in
	print("[%s/%s(id=%s)] %s" % (,,,


  1. Blog: Pixiv Public-API (OAuth)分析

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me: [email protected]

Find Pixiv API in Objective-C? You might also like PixivAPI_iOS

API functions

App-API (6.0 -

class AppPixivAPI(BasePixivAPI):

    # 返回翻页用参数
    def parse_qs(next_url):

    # 用户详情
    def user_detail(user_id):

    # 用户作品列表
    ## type: [illust, manga]
    def user_illusts(user_id, type="illust"):

    # 用户收藏作品列表
    # tag: 从 user_bookmark_tags_illust 获取的收藏标签
    def user_bookmarks_illust(user_id, restrict="public"):

    def user_related(seed_user_id):

    # 关注用户的新作
    # restrict: [public, private]
    def illust_follow(restrict="public"):

    # 作品详情 (类似,iOS中未使用)
    def illust_detail(illust_id):

    # 作品评论
    def illust_comments(illust_id, include_total_comments=None):

    # 相关作品列表
    def illust_related(illust_id):

    # 插画推荐 (Home - Main)
    # content_type: [illust, manga]
    def illust_recommended(content_type="illust"):

    # 小说推荐
    def novel_recommended():

    # 作品排行
    # mode: [day, week, month, day_male, day_female, week_original, week_rookie, day_manga]
    # date: '2016-08-01'
    # mode (Past): [day, week, month, day_male, day_female, week_original, week_rookie,
    #               day_r18, day_male_r18, day_female_r18, week_r18, week_r18g]
    def illust_ranking(mode="day", date=None):

    # 趋势标签 (Search - tags)
    def trending_tags_illust():

    # 搜索 (Search)
    # search_target - 搜索类型
    #   partial_match_for_tags  - 标签部分一致
    #   exact_match_for_tags    - 标签完全一致
    #   title_and_caption       - 标题说明文
    # sort: [date_desc, date_asc, popular_desc] - popular_desc为会员的热门排序
    # duration: [within_last_day, within_last_week, within_last_month]
    # start_date, end_date: '2020-07-01'
    def search_illust(word, search_target="partial_match_for_tags", sort="date_desc", duration=None, start_date=None, end_date=None):

    # 搜索小说 (Search Novel)
    # search_target - 搜索类型
    #   partial_match_for_tags  - 标签部分一致
    #   exact_match_for_tags    - 标签完全一致
    #   text                    - 正文
    #   keyword                 - 关键词
    # sort: [date_desc, date_asc]
    # start_date/end_date: 2020-06-01
    def search_novel(word, search_target="partial_match_for_tags", sort="date_desc", start_date=None, end_date=None):

    def search_user(word, sort='date_desc', duration=None):

    # 作品收藏详情
    def illust_bookmark_detail(illust_id):

    # 新增收藏
    def illust_bookmark_add(illust_id, restrict="public", tags=None):

    # 删除收藏
    def illust_bookmark_delete(illust_id):

    # 关注用户
    def user_follow_add(user_id, restrict="public"):

    # 取消关注用户
    def user_follow_delete(user_id):

    # 用户收藏标签列表
    def user_bookmark_tags_illust(restrict="public"):

    # Following用户列表
    def user_following(user_id, restrict="public"):

    # Followers用户列表
    def user_follower(user_id):

    # 好P友
    def user_mypixiv(user_id):

    # 黑名单用户
    def user_list(user_id):

    # 获取ugoira信息
    def ugoira_metadata(illust_id):

    # 用户小说列表
    def user_novels(user_id):

    # 小说系列详情
    def novel_series(series_id, last_order=None):

    # 小说详情
    def novel_detail(novel_id):

    # 小说正文
    def novel_text(novel_id):

    # 大家的新作
    # content_type: [illust, manga]
    def illust_new(content_type="illust", max_illust_id=None):

    # 特辑详情 (无需登录,调用Web API)
    def showcase_article(showcase_id):


aapi = AppPixivAPI()

# 作品推荐
json_result = aapi.illust_recommended()
illust = json_result.illusts[0]
print(">>> %s, origin url: %s" % (illust.title, illust.image_urls['large']))

# 作品相关推荐
json_result = aapi.illust_related(57065990)
illust = json_result.illusts[0]
print(">>> %s, origin url: %s" % (illust.title, illust.image_urls['large']))

# 作品相关推荐-下一页 (.parse_qs(next_url) 用法)
next_qs = aapi.parse_qs(json_result.next_url)
json_result = aapi.illust_related(**next_qs)
illust = json_result.illusts[0]
print(">>> %s, origin url: %s" % (illust.title, illust.image_urls['large']))

# 用户详情
json_result = aapi.user_detail(660788)
user = json_result.user
print("%s(@%s) region=%s" % (, user.account, json_result.profile.region))

# 用户作品列表
json_result = aapi.user_illusts(660788)
illust = json_result.illusts[0]
print(">>> %s, origin url: %s" % (illust.title, illust.image_urls['large']))

# 用户收藏列表
json_result = aapi.user_bookmarks_illust(2088434)
illust = json_result.illusts[0]
print(">>> %s, origin url: %s" % (illust.title, illust.image_urls['large']))

# 2016-07-15 日的过去一周排行
json_result = aapi.illust_ranking('week', date='2016-07-15')
illust = json_result.illusts[0]
print(">>> %s, origin url: %s" % (illust.title, illust.image_urls['large']))

# 关注用户的新作 (需要login)
json_result = aapi.illust_follow(req_auth=True)
illust = json_result.illusts[0]
print(">>> %s, origin url: %s" % (illust.title, illust.image_urls['large']))

# 标签 "水着" 搜索
json_result = aapi.search_illust('水着', search_target='partial_match_for_tags')
illust = json_result.illusts[0]
print(">>> %s, origin url: %s" % (illust.title, illust.image_urls['large']))

# 用户 "gomzi" 搜索
json_result = aapi.search_user("gomzi")
illust = json_result.user_previews[0].illusts[0]
print(">>> %s, origin url: %s" % (illust.title, illust.image_urls['large']))

Make a release

Bump version in pixivpy3/VERSION, rebuild dist/*

python3 sdist bdist_wheel
python2 bdist_wheel
twine upload dist/*


Feel free to use, reuse and abuse the code in this project.


No releases published


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  • Python 77.1%
  • Jupyter Notebook 22.9%