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  • External opensource libraries used in (our development)
  • Never place non-opensource code here

How to use:

  1. copy external library to directry with version
  2. create a symlink to non versioned lib


When remote project is available through git - use submodules:

$ git submodule update

############################ ######## GULP HOWTO ############################

How tso use gulp:

  • path to gulpfile.js - /hbfr/lib.external/gulpfile.js
  • to compile css from sass cd to /hbfr/lib.external/ then type in your terminal gulp bamCSS

On all r-k already installed: node & npm & gulp and it working now. p\s - for the future we need to update node to 6.3.0 & npm to 3.10.3

How to install gulp to fresh system: #

  1. install node & npm #Install Node.js 8 on
    # Using Ubuntu
    curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
    sudo apt-get install -y nodejs

    # Using Debian, as root
    curl -sL | bash -
    apt-get install -y nodejs

    # Enterprise Linux Distributions
    curl -sL | bash -
    yum install -y nodejs
  1. install gulp & gulp-cli
    npm install --global gulp
    npm install --global gulp-cli
  1. create link to use gulp module from project
    export PATH=./node_modules/../bin:./node_modules/.bin:../../node_modules/.bin:$PATH
  1. future upgrades cd /rd/lib.external npm install --save-dev gulp npm audit fix How to use gulp ===============

Assume we use same modules for all our sub-projects Approach:

  • If you have no installed Gulp on your development system - install gulp globally

sudo apt install nodejs

sudo apt install npm

sudo npm install --global gulp node-sass gulp-sass gulp-autoprefixer gulp-sourcemaps gulp-rigger gulp-uglify gulp-concat

  • Now let's init sub-project structure. As example I'll use folder ( /rd/rd/ )

cd /rd/rd/

if you do not see folder /rd/rd/node_modules/ you should link it to your global gulp modules

sudo npm link gulp node-sass gulp-sass gulp-autoprefixer gulp-sourcemaps gulp-rigger gulp-uglify gulp-concat

folder /rd/rd/node_modules/ should appear with link to your global node_modules location. Note: this folder is ignored by Git Now you test your environment

gulp test


  1. allow your local user to access global node modules (optional)

sudo chown -R <YOUR_LOCAL_USER_NAME> /usr/local/lib/node_modules/

  1. If you still have "permission denied" error try to re-install node-sass with ignoring permissions issues

sudo npm install --unsafe-perm -g node-sass

  1. Rebuild node-sasss

sudo npm -g rebuild node-sass