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This is the source code repository for the GOAuth an OAuth consumer
written on the Go programming language.

Copyright 2010 The GOAuth Authors. All rights reserved.
Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

V 0.0.5

Example Usage :


var AT *goauth.AccessToken
var goauthcon *goauth.OAuthConsumer



	r, err := goauthcon.Get(
		AT )

	r, err := goauthcon.Post(
			&goauth.Pair{Key:"status", Value:"Testing Status Update via GOAuth - OAuth consumer for #Golang"},
		AT )

More Complete Example 

See example.go for a simple http example that connects to twitter 
allows you to get the Home Time Lime for the OAuthed twitter account, 
send a tweet & Check Credentials. 

Note that the Check Credentials & Home Time Line use GET methods and the 
Update status uses a POST method.

Another Example (example_buzz) shows a simple Google Buzz Consumer
that searching for activites.  Note: This example is dependant on 
my gobuzz package here :

Revision History 

    == Version 0.0.5 ==
	Minor changes to make GetRequestToken more robust.

	Until now, if the ConsumerKey / ConsumerSecrets were incorrect
	there was no feedback to the consumer that it had failed to 
	obtain the Request token correctally.

	Now the consumer returns the an error that reflects the status
	that has been returned from the OAuth service.  Additionally 
	it also returns an error if to token has been recivied even if
	the service hasn't responed with an error.

	An additional Exported member has been added to the AccessToken
	that allows it to be stored in a persistant data store with the 
	service that it relates to.

    == Version 0.0.4 ==

	Added a Google Buzz example that demos the use of the package 
	with a google OAuth supported service. 

	Also added minor fix to the original twitter example so that 
	it works with the latest Exported interfaces provided by the 

	Tested with : 
		Google Buzz, Calender, Adwords
	All work.  

    == Version 0.0.3 ==

	Previous versions only worked with twitter.  Issues, especially
	with Googles API, have been fixed.
	Replaced URL Encoder with Calvin McAnarney version that conforms
	to RFC 3986.
	Additional issues with Googles OAuth API fixed. - Inparticular 
	Certain chars contiained in their tokens end up getting double 
	encoded if you follow the RFC specification.  Current fix is a
 	bit of a hack, parts are allowed to be Encoded twice, and then
	replaced with the actual values that should be sent.

	Tested with Googles Buzz, Adwords, Calender & Reader OAuth 
	servies all functions as expected. 

	Additional testing is required with other services, such as
	twitter, digg to see if these fixes have effected these.

		oauth.Get now recives a Params object too. 

   == Version  0.0.2 ==
	Minor fixes to Makefile to work with latest revision of Go. 
	Additional fixes to other changes in Go.

   == Version 0.0.1 ==

	Initial release, general mechs are functional GET/POST, creation
	of an OAuth consumer.


If you have any issues please feel free to contact : 

    email - [email protected]
      web -
     buzz - [email protected] 
  twitter - @hokapokadotcom
   github -
      irc - hokapoka (freenode #go-nuts)


TODO : add link to example on (once written)


GOAuth An Oauth consumer Written in Go V 0.0.5







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