Flexible JavaScript enums using ES6 Proxies.
✅ Beyond the basics of Node.js testing. Including a super-comprehensive best practices list and an example app (March 2024)
✅ The Node.js best practices list (July 2024)
Comprehensive language-agnostic guidelines on variables naming. Home of the A/HC/LC pattern.
A URL builder library for JavaScript.
A simple Angular directive to be used on any scrollable container for adding a shadow on the bottom of the container
RESTool is an open source UI tool for managing RESTful APIs. It could save you time developing your own internal tools. A live example:
An calender widget for your Android home screen.
lhanscom / ngx-csv
Forked from alhazmy13/angular-csv-extHelper library for create CSV file in Angular 7
Demos for my NG-BE talk about SVG and Canvas graphics and animations in Angular 2.
An online, real time, multi-player First Person Shooter video game, leveraging CesiumJS, 3D-Tiles and GraphQL. (Early Development Phase)
A browser bookmarklet which fills all the text fields in the current page with long texts, to check for unpretty overflows
Demo shows how to connect a swagger-node project to swagger-ui
Generic graph components for angular (>2.0) based on d3
An angular directive of D3 word cloud plugin, with some features and API to cloud events.
Angular wrapper for cesiumjs - with lots of built in features to get the average angularist up and running with cesiumJS
MapMip: An angular module on top of CesiumJS, LeafletJS and OpenLayers4.
Kibana-API is an extension to Kibana that lets you tap in to the dashboard management board from your app and change the visualizations dynamically
force-horse: An angular.js wrapper for a d3.js force layout