Tool for injecting a shared object into a Linux process
a tool to enumerate the resource records of a DNS zone using its DNSSEC NSEC or NSEC3 chain
A script that you can run in the background!
Retractor is software for working with retrograde analysis chess problems (retro problems). Currently hosted at
An easy to use tool for cryptanalysis of symmetric primitives based on SMT/SAT solvers.
An easy to use tool for evaluating the security of cryptographic algorithms against integral attacks.
A cheatsheet of modern C++ language and library features.
Predict MT19937 PRNG, from preceding 624 generated numbers. There is a specialization for the "random" of Python standard library.
Jekyll blog of UUlm's CTF Team
Build two PDFs that have different content but identical SHA1 sums.
Exercises to learn how to fuzz with American Fuzzy Lop
A simple statistics analysis tool for PokerTH logs.
Linux Terminal Program for Texas Holdem Poker Hand Analysis
A ready-to-go rpm package of Enay's Lazy Newb Pack for Dward Fortress
The AWS exploitation framework, designed for testing the security of Amazon Web Services environments.
A python symbolic execution framework using radare2's ESIL (Evaluable String Intermediate Language)
A Lua Script for the Mesen NES emulator. Displays APU activity in realtime during gameplay.
Graphical Shell for the RusticNES emulator, targeting Rust-SDL2.
SpiderFoot automates OSINT for threat intelligence and mapping your attack surface.
NES NROM project template for ca65 assembler
Mesen is a cross-platform (Windows & Linux) NES/Famicom emulator built in C++ and C#