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A commitment to learn ML (and related topics) every day for 365 days starting Jan 1 2023.


  1. The Elements of Statistical Learning (ESLR)
  2. Serrano.Academy Youtube Channel
  3. Ritvik Math Youtube Channel
  4. Linkedin Learning
  5. 2 Minute Papers Youtube Channel
  6. StatQuest Youtube Channel by Josh Starmer

Day 1: ESLR 2.1 to 2.3

Introduction to Supervised Learning, Variable Types, Encodings, Two Simple Approaches to Prediction: Least Squares and Nearest Neighbors, Other Models as a variant of these two approaches

Day 2: ESLR 2.4

Statistical Decision Theory: Probabilistic Setup, Conditional Mean/Median as Regression Function for Squared Loss/Absolute Loss, Linear Model Estimates and Nearest Neighbor Model Estimates from the Regression Function, Solution for Categorical Target Variable, Bayes Classifier.

Day 3: ESLR 2.5

Local Methods in High Dimensions: Curse of dimensionality, Nearest Neighbours not really "Near" in Nearest Neighbor models in High Dimensions, Bias-Variance Decomposition of MSE, Linear Assumption (and other Rigid Assumptions) to avoid Curse of Dimensionality.

Day 4: ESLR 2.6 to 2.7

Statistical Model for Pr(X,Y), Additive error Model, Supervised Learning, Function Approximation by Least Squares Method and Maximum Likelihood Method, Structured Regression Models: Using implicit or explicit neighborhood restrictions (usually complexity constraints)

Day 5: ESLR 2.8

Roughness Penalty or Regularization, Kernel Functions and Local Regression, Basis Functions, Splines, Dictionary Methods (Adaptively Chosen Basis Functions, eg: Neural Networks)

Day 6: ESLR 2.9

Model Selection and Bias - Variance Tradeoff, K Nearest Neighbours Example, Test Error, Overfitting and Underfitting

Day 7: Serrano.Academy Unsupervised Learning

Gaussian Mixture Models, Iterative Approach to fit a Mixture of Gaussians for Clustering.

Day 8: ESLR 3.1, 3.2

Linear Methods of Regression: Introduction, Generalisation and Basis Expansions, Least Square Method of finding Model Coefficients, Normality Assumptions, Significance of Coefficients

Day 9: ESLR 3.2.1 to 3.2.4

Significance of Linear Coefficients, Gauss Markov Theorem, Multiple Regression from Univariate Regression, Gram Schmidt Orthogonalisation to find Coefficients, Linear Regression with Multiple Outputs

Day 10: ESLR 3.2.1 to 3.2.4

Filling gaps from Day 9

Day 11: ESLR 3.3

Subset Selection: Best Subset Selection, Forward and Backward Stepwise Selection, Forward Stagewise Regression

Day 12: ESLR 3.4.1 and 3.4.2

Shrinkage Methods: Ridge and Lasso Regression

Day 13: ESLR 3.4.3

Comparison of Subset Selection, Ridge Regression and Lasso Regression

Day 14: ESLR 3.4.4

Least Angle Regression

Day 15 - ESLR 3.4.4

Least Angle Regression

Day 16 - ESLR 3.5.1

Methods Using Derived Input Directions: Principal Components Regression

Matrix Differentiation Propositions and Proofs.

Day 18 - ESLR 3.5.2

Partial Least Squares

Day 19 - ESLR 3.6

Comparison of Selection and Shrinkage Methods

Day 20 - ESLR 3.7

Multiple Outcome Shrinkage and Selection

Day 21 - ESLR 3.7

Multiple Outcome Shrinkage and Selection

Day 22 - Kaggle Hackathon

OTTO Multi Objective Recommender System: Learnt about Ranking Models as opposed to Supervised and Unsupervised Models and started off the competition with a naive baseline model submission.

Day 23 - Kaggle Hackathon

OTTO Multi Objective Recommender System: Added more logic to predicting the next 'cart' and 'order' item and improved the score.

Day 24 - Kaggle Hackathon

OTTO Multi Objective Recommender System:

Day 25 - Serrano.Academy Youtube

How does Netflix recommend movies?

Day 26 - Serrano.Academy

KMeans and Heirarchical Clustering

Day 27 - Kaggle Hackathon

OTTO Multi Objective Recommender System: Tried Label Propagation method to identify clusters structure to products from browsing order of products.

Day 28 - Kaggle Hackathon

OTTO Multi Objective Recommender System: Tried one rule based method of finding key candidates (inferring from the training data) and another method of framing it as a ML problem by creating training data and ranking the probabilities

Day 29 - Kaggle Hackathon

OTTO Multi Objective Recommender System: Bug Fixes and Time Optimsiation of the code.

GoDaddy Microbusiness Density Forecasting: Registered for the competition

Day 30 - Serrano.Academy

Dirichlet Allocation and Gibbs Sampling

Day 31 - Kaggle Hackathon

OTTO Multi Objective Recommender System: Competition Deadline,Final tries

Day 32 - Serrano.Academy

Restricted Boltzmann Machines (RBM)

Day 33 - Kaggle Hackathon

Going through top ranked submissions.

Day 34 - ESLR 3.8

Incremental Foreward Stagewise Regression

Day 35 - ESLR 3.8

Coding Incremental Foreward Stagewise Regression from Scratch

Day 36 - ESLR 3.8

Piecewise Linear Path Algorithms

Day 37 - ESLR 3.8

Dantzig Selector

Day 38 - ESLR 3.8

Grouped Lasso

Day 39 - ESLR 3.8

Further Properties of Lasso

Day 40 - ESLR 3.8

Pathwise Coordinate Optimization

Day 41 - ESLR 3.9

Computational Considerations

Day 42 - Serrano.Academy

Denoting and Variational Autoencoders

Day 43 - Serrano.Academy

Principal Component Analysis

Day 44 - ESLR 4.1

Linear Methods for Classification : Introduction

Day 45 - ESLR 4.2

Linear Regression of an Indicator Matrix

Day 46 - ESLR 4.3

Linear Discriminant Analysis

Day 47 - ESLR 4.3.1

Linear Discriminant Analysis: Regularised Discriminant Analysis

Day 48 - ESLR 4.3.3

Linear Discriminant Analysis: Reduced Rank Discriminant

Day 49 - ESLR 4.3.2

Linear Discriminant Analysis: Computations for LDA

Day 50 - ESLR 4.4

Logistic Regression

Day 51 - ESLR 4.4.1

Fitting Logistic Regression Models

Day 52 - ESLR 4.4.2

Logistic Regression: South African Heart Disease Example

Day 53 - ESLR 4.4.3

Logistic Regression: Quadratic Approximations and Inference

Day 54 - Linkedin Learning

Completed the course Transformers: Text Classification for NLP using BERT.

Day 55 - ESLR 4.4.4

L1 Regularized Logistic Regression

Day 56 - ESLR 4.4.5

Logistic Regression or LDA?

Day 57 - ESLR 4.5

Separating Hyperplanes

Day 58 - ESLR 4.5.1

Rosenblatt's Perceptron Learning Algorithm

Day 59 - ESLR 4.5.2

Optimal Separating Hyperplanes

Day 60 - Luis Serrano.Academy

A Friendly Introduction to Generative Adversarial Networks

Day 61 - ESLR 5.1

Basis Expansions and Regularization: Introduction

Day 62: ESLR 5.2

Piecewise Polynomials and Splines

Day 63: ESLR 5.2.1

Natural Cubic Splines

Day 64: ESLR 5.2.2

South African Heart Disease Example

Day 65: ESLR 5.2.3

Phoneme Recognition

Day 66: ESLR 5.3 - 5.4

Filtering and Feature Extraction, Smoothing Splines

Day 67: ESLR 5.4.1

Degrees of Freedom and Smoothing Splines

Day 68: ESLR 5.5

Automatic Selection of the Smoothing Parameters

Day 69: ESLR 5.5.1

Fixing Degrees of Freedom

Day 70: ESLR 5.5.2

Automatic Selection of the Smoothing Parameters: The Bias-Variance Tradeoff

Day 71: ESLR 5.6

Non Parametric Logistic Regression

Day 72: ESLR 5.7

Multidimensional Splines

Day 73: ESLR 5.8

Regularization and Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces

Day 74: ESLR 5.8.1

Spaces of Functions Generated by Kernels

Day 75: ESLR 5.8.2

Examples of RKHS

Day 76: ESLR 5.9

Wavelet Smoothing

Day 77: ESLR 5.9.1

Wavelet Bases and Wavelet Transform

Day 78: ESLR 5.9.2

Adaptive Wavelet Filtering

Day 79: 2 Minute Papers

DALLE-2 for Music Generation

Day 80: ESLR 5 - Appendix

Computation for Splines

Day 81: ESLR 5 - Appendix

Computation for Smoothing Splines

Day 82: ESLR 6

Introduction to Kernel Smoothing Methods

Day 83: ESLR 6.1

1 Dimensional Kernel Smoothing

Day 84: ESLR 6.1.1

Local Linear Regression

Day 85: ESLR 6.1.2

Local Polynomial Regression

Day 86: Statquest

Decision Trees, Gini Impurity

Day 87: Statquest

Gradient Boost Part 1: Main Regression Ideas

Day 88: Statquest

Decision Trees and Pruning

Day 89: Statquest

XGBoost for Regression

Day 90: 2 Minute Papers

OpenAI GPT4 - The Future is Here

Day 91: 2 Minute Papers

Mid journey AI - A League Above DALL-E 2

Day 92: 2 Minute Papers

EA's New AI - Next Level Games are Coming

Day 93: Statquest

XGBoost for Classification

Day 94:

XGBoost: A Scalable Tree Boosting System

Day 95: 2 Minute Papers

DeepMind's AlphaFold AI

Day 96: 2 Minute Papers

OpenAI's GPT4

Day 97: 2 Minute Papers

Microsoft's new AI clones your voice in 3 seconds

Day 98: 2 Minute Papers

OpenAI's ChatGPT took an IQ test

Day 99: ESLR 6.2

Selecting width of a Kernel

Day 100: ESLR 6.3

Local Regression in Rp

Day 101: ESLR 6.4.1

Structured Kernels

Day 102: ESLR 6.4.2

Structured Regression Functions

Day 103: ESLR 6.5

Local Likelihood and Other Models

Day 104: ESLR 6.6.1

Kernel Density Estimation

Day 105: ESLR 6.6.2

Kernel Density Classification

Day 106: ESLR 6.6.3

Naive Bayes Classifier

Day 107: ESLR 6.7

Radial Basis Functions and Kernels

Day 108: 2 Minute Papers

OpenAI's GPT4 - Next Level AI Assistant!

Day 109: ESLR 6.8

Mixture Models for Density Estimation and Classification

Day 110: 2 Minute Papers

Midjourney AI Version 5

Day 111: ESLR 6.9

Computational Considerations

Day 112: 2 Minute Papers

NVIDIA's New AI: Better Games are Coming.

Day 113: 2 Minute Papers

25 ChatGPT AIs play a game.

Day 114: 2 Minute Papers

DeepMind's New AI: 10 Years of Learning in Seconds

Day 115: 2 Minute Papers

OpenAI's Whisper Learnt 680,000 hours of speech

Day 116: 2 Minute Papers

Stable Diffusion is getting Outrageously Good

Day 117: Statquest

Catboost Part 1 : Ordered Target Encoding

Day 118 - ESLR 7.1

Model Assessment and Selection

Day 119 - ESLR 7.2

Bias, Variance and Model Complexity

Day 120 - ESLR 7.3

The Bias Variance Decomposition

Day 121 - ESLR 7.3.1

Example: Bias Variance Tradeoff

Day 122 - ESLR 7.4

Optimism of the training error rate

Day 123 - ESLR 7.5

Estimates of In-Sample Prediction Error

Day 124 - ESLR 7.6

The Effective Number of Parameters

Day 125 - ESLR 7.7

Bayesian Information Criteria

Day 126 - ESLR 7.8

Minimum Description Length

Day 127 - ESLR 7.9

VC Dimension

Day 128 - ESLR 7.10 - 7.10.2

Cross Validation

Day 129 - ESLR 7.10.3

Cross Validation

Day 130 - ESLR 7.11

Boostrap Methods

Day 131 - ESLR 7.12

Conditional or Expected Test Error

Day 132 - ESLR 2.1 - 2.5

Revision of Introduction to Supervised Learning

Day 133 - ESLR 2.6 - 2.8


Day 134 - ESLR 8.1

Model Inferencing and Averaging Introduction

Day 135 - ESLR 8.2.1

A Smoothing Example

Day 136 - ESLR 8.2.2

Maximum Likelihood Inference

Day 137 - ESLR 8.2.3

Bootstrap vs Maximum Likelihood

Day 138 - ESLR 8.3

Bayesian methods

Day 139 - ESLR 8.4

Relationship between bootstrap and Bayesian inference

Day 140 - ESLR 8.5

EM Maximization

Day 141 - 2 Minute Papers

Structure and Content Guided Video Synthesis with Diffusion models

Day 142 - ESLR 8.5.1

Two component Mixture Model

Day 143 - ESLR 8.5.2

The EM Algorithm in General

Day 144 - ESLR 8.5.3

EM as Maximization Maximization Procedure

Day 145 - ESLR 8.6

MCMC for Sampling from the Posterior

Day 146 - ESLR 8.6

Gibbs Sampling for Mixtures

Day 147 - ESLR 8.7


Day 148 - ESLR 8.7.1

Bagging Example: Trees with Simulated Data

Day 149 - ESLR 8.8

Model Averaging and Stacking

Day 150 - ESLR 8.9

Stochastic Search: Bumping

Day 151 - 2 Minute Papers

Google Bard: Is it better than ChatGPT?

Day 152 - ESLR 9.1

Generalized Additive Models

Day 153 - 2 Minute Papers

DeepMind's AI Athletes Play in the Real World

Day 154 - ESLR 9.1.1

Fitting Additive Models

Day 155 - 2 Minute Papers

OpenAI's GPT4 - Eccentric Genius AI

Day 156 - ESLR 9.1.2

Example: Additive Regression Model

Day 157 - ESLR 9.1.3

Example: Predicting Email Spam

Day 158 - ESLR 9.1.3

Summary of Additive Regression Model

Day 159 - ESLR 9.2.1

Tree Based Methods: Background

Day 160 - ESLR 9.2

Tree Based Methods: Classification Trees, Regression Trees and Other Issues

Day 161 - ESLR 9.3

Patient Rule Induction Method

Day 162 - ESLR 9.4

Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines

Day 163 - 2 Minute Papers

NVIDIA's New AI mastered MineCraft 15x faster

Day 164 - ESLR 9.4.2 - 9.4.3

MARS Examples and Issues

Day 165 - ESLR 9.4.4 - 9.4.5

Missing Data and Computational Considerations

Day 166 - 2 Minute Papers

Photoshop's New AI Feature is Amazing

Day 167 - ESLR 10.1

Boosting Methods

Day 168 - ESLR 10.2

Boosting Fits An Additive Model

Day 169 - ESLR 10.3

Forward Stagewise Additive Model

Day 170 - ESLR 10.4

Exponential Loss and Adaboost

Day 171 - 2 Minute Papers

NVIDIA's New AI: Making Games Come Alive

Day 172 - ESLR 10.5

Why Exponential Loss?

Day 173 - ESLR 10.6

Loss Functions and Robustness: Robust Loss Functions for Classification

Day 174 - ESLR 10.6:

Robust Loss Functions for Regression

Day 175 - 2 Minute Papers

DeepMind AlphaDev

Day 176 - ESLR 10.7

Off the Shelf Procedures for Data Mining

Day 177 - ESLR 10.8

Example: Spam Data

Day 178 - ESLR 10.9

Boosting Trees

Day 179 - ESLR 10.10

Numerical Optimization via Gradient descent

Day 180 - 2 Minute Papers

Google's New AI: Next Level Virtual World

Day 181 - ByCloudAI Youtube

Stable Diffusion XDSL : Text To Video ZeroScope v2 and More

Day 182- ESLR 10.10.1

Steepest Descent

Day 183 - ESLR 10.10.2

Gradient Boosting

Day 184 - ESLR 10.10.3

Implementations of Gradient Boosting

Day 185 - ESLR 10.11

Right Sized Trees for Boosting

Day 186 - ESLR 10.12


Day 187 - 2 Minute Papers

Stable Diffusion - 8 New Amazing Results

Day 188 - 2 Minute Papers

Google's New AI - Blurry Photos no More

Day 189 - byCloudAI

1 Billion Tokens LLM

Day 190 - byCloudAI

Meta's Music Gen - Text To Music

Day 191 - byCloudAI

When AI tries to Reason with itself - AutoGPT and more

Day 192 - ESLR 10.12.1

Regularization - Shrinkage

Day 193 - ESLR 10.12.2

Regularization - Subsampling

Day 194 - ESLR 10.13.1

Interpretation - Relative Importance of Predictor Variables

Day 195 - ESLR 10.13.2

Partial Dependence Plots

Day 196 - ESLR 10.14.1

Illustrations - California Housing

Day 197 - ESLR 10.14.2

Illustrations - New Zealand Fish

Day 198 - ESLR 10.14.3

Illustrations - Demographics Data

Day 199 - ESLR 11.1


Day 200 - ESLR 11.2

Projection Pursuit Regression

Day 201 - ESLR 11.3

Neural Networks

Day 202 - ESLR 11.4

Fitting Neural Networks

Day 203 - ESLR 11.5.1

Issues in Training Neural Networks - Starting Values

Day 204 - ESLR 11.5.2


Day 205 - ESLR 11.5.3

Scaling of the Inputs

Day 206 - ESLR 11.5.4

Number of Hidden Units and Layers

Day 207 - ESLR 11.5.5

Multiple Minima

Day 208 - ESLR 11.6

Simulated Data Example

Day 209 - ESLR 11.7

Zip Code Data Example

Day 210 - ESLR 11.8

Discussion on projection pursuit regression and Neural Networks

Day 211 - 2 Minute Papers

NVIDIA Did it: Ray Tracing 10000 times faster

Day 212 - 2 Minute Papers

Midjourney AI: Text to Image Supercharged

Day 213 - 2 Minute Papers

Unreal Engine 5.2: Incredible Simulations

Day 214 - ESLR 11.9

Bayesian Neural Nets and the NIPS 2003 Challenge

Day 215 - ESLR 11.9.1

Bayes, Boosting and Bagging

Day 216 - ESLR 11.9.2

Performance Comparisons

Day 217 - ESLR 11.10

Computational Considerations

Day 218 - 2 Minute Papers

NVIDIA's New AI: Text to Image Supercharged!

Day 219 - 2 Minute Papers

Microsoft's AI watched 100 million Youtube Videos

Day 220 - 2 Minute Papers

NVIDIA's New AI trained for 5 billion steps

Day 221 - 2 Minute Papers

Stable Diffusion XL is here

Day 222 - byCloudAI

AI Generated South Park, Llama 2, HyperDreamBooth and More

Day 223 - byCloudAI

The Voice Cloning AIs they never tell you about (and how they work)

Day 224 - ESLR 12.1

Support Vector Machines and Flexible Discriminants: Introduction

Day 225 - ESLR 12.2

Support Vector Classifier

Day 226 - ESLR 12.2.1

Computing the Support Vector Classifier

Day 227 - ESLR 12.2.2

Mixture Example

Day 228 - ESLR 12.3

Support Vector Machines and Kernels

Day 229 - ESLR 12.3.1

Computing SVM for Classification

Day 230 - ESLR 12.3.2

SVM as a penalisation method

Day 231 - ESLR 12.3.3

Function Estimation and Reproducing Kernels

Day 232 - ESLR 12.3.4

SVMS and the Curse of Dimensionality

Day 233 - ESLR 12.3.5

A Path Algorithm for the SVM Classifier

Day 234 - ESLR 12.3.6

Support Vector Machines for Regression

Day 235 - ESLR 12.3.7

Regression and Kernels

Day 236 - ESLR 12.4

Generalizing Linear Discriminant Analysis

Day 237 - ESLR 12.5

Flexible Discriminant Analysis

Day 238 - ESLR 12.5.1

Computing the FDA estimates

Day 239 - ESLR 12.6

Penalised Discriminant Analysis

Day 240 - ESLR 12.7

Mixture Discriminant Analysis

Day 241 - ESLR 12.7.1

Example: Waveform Data

Day 242 - ESLR 12.7

Computational Considerations


No description, website, or topics provided.






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