This is an experimental library for hearts poker game and reinforment learning. I implement the library and run it at ubuntu and mac by python3. If you encounter any problem, feel free to create new issue on this project 😄
- All heart cards ( 2♥, 3♥, …., Q♥, K♥, A♥ ) cost 1 score
- Q♠ costs 13 score
- This trick’s looser will be next trick’s first player
- Shooting the moon
- The player holding 2♣ must lead it to begin the first trick
- Hearts cannot be led until they have been "broken"
pip3 install gym-hearts
import gym
from gymhearts import env as hearts_env
from gymhearts import strategy
class HelloStrategy(strategy.IStrategy):
def move(self, observation):
action = observation['valid_hand_cards'][0]
return action
env = hearts_env.HeartsEnv()
observation = env.get_observation()
done = False
while not done:
action = env.move()
observation, reward, done, info = env.step(action)
"trick": 12,
"round": 9,
"number_of_players": 4,
"scores": [50, 104, 40, 40],
"playing_cards": [69634, 2102541, 541447],
"playing_ids": [3, 0, 1],
"hand_cards": [529159],
"current_player_id": 2,
"valid_hand_cards": [529159],
"number_of_hand_cards_for_all_players": [0, 0, 1, 0]
round: 9
trick: 11
heart broken: True
player 0
score: 50
player 1
score: 104
player 2
[5♠] [T♠]
score: 40
player 3
score: 40
[9♠] [3♦] [] [8♦]