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OwOpenbox (because UwUbuntu was taken)

This is an MX Linux respin of MX 19.4 with quite a few changes and additions.
(Goodbye XFCE, didn't want you anyway.) (Conky, more like 'Gone-ky')

######## I'm putting this on hiatus until the next version of Debian gets rolled out for MX. Hopefully that will fix some of the ongoing issues I haven't fixed. Picom is a bastard currently, and there is something going on that is slaughtering performance - and it's next to impossible for me to troubleshoot. The devscripts are not removing dependencies for awesome + picom compilation without breaking it, so I'll need to learn more about packaging before things get fixed how I'd like.

2020 12 08-02 30 22 screenshot 2021 07 23-00 19 14 screenshot 2021 07 23-00 38 58 screenshot

Version 1.1



  • User: owl
  • Password: toor

Light DM:

  • Default Session == AwesomeWM (Tiling)
  • Openbox Session
  • Fluxbox (in case you need to configure something that I neglected to include.)

To install on your rig just run 'sudo minstall' for the guided install.

If you'd like to use this as your main setup, it's a simple process to copy this config to a new user.

sudo mx-usermanager Go through the menus and - Create New User - Copy user files (from owl to new user). Reboot and you're done.


  • Init - sysvinit OR systemd (Both are included in MX, and either can be removed)
  • Shell - ZSH/Antigen
  • WM - AwesomeWM (git and default startX) - Openbox
  • Terminal - urxvt/xfce4-terminal/kitty
  • File Manager - thunar / ranger


  • Try using fzwal, and check out what is included in ~/.colortoys and ~/.scripts


  • Elenapan's dotfiles: See her git for hotkeys, or take a look at ~/.config/awesome/keys.lua # Where many (but not all) of the keybindings are set. ~/.config/awesome/rc.lua # Where you'll set default apps, and change the MANY themes that they've made available

  • owl4ce's dotfiles: Openbox Not much to say here, right click and play around with it. Tons of configuration available.


  • Removals XFCE: To reduce the size of the image I purged XFCE, except for what is needed to keep MX stable. Fluxbox is still there, unmodified.

  • Additions ZSH added (see .zshrc to remove anything you dislike) Picom fork from source (rounded corners, xrender combo whatever) pywal # wal -i ~/.wallpaper/mechanical/ obmenu-generator

  • Issues:

    • Not sure why but if you load Openbox, you need to press meta+Shift+R to reload for elements to pop up. (or right click reload)
    • Left some picom source files in ~/ and ~/Documents. You can delete them.
    • // Replaced with xfce4-terminal in Awesome // urxvt breaks when resizing with Ctrl+Shift+Plus. Can't fix this without editing the config.

Future Updates

  • Add puppy Linux 'woof' at login because it's adorable
  • Make theme-switcher for Elena's dots
  • Find that gradient generator git and add it
  • ImageGoNord maybe? idk seems bloat
  • Make rofi quit being fucking annoying
  • Add in Doom Emacs, but find a way to get image size WAY down.
  • Patch cacaview or whatever into vifm/ranger. (partially done)
  • purge picom and properly make a package for it
  • find make dependencies for awesome and picom to cut down iso size.
  • check sddm deps and switch to it or slim. maybe tui-dm but that may prove too hacky
  • Purge either sysvinit or systemd to get iso down to <2GB
  • Make fluxbox mildly sexier even though I don't exactly want it listed in lightDM
  • Add in tile script for openbox.
  • Fix network manager erroring on the horizontal layout. # mv ~/.config/openbox/exec/network elsewhere for now.
  • I want that awesome.spawn(keybinds) Meta+S thingy from the main branch. What's up with that, and can I just plug it back in?

New Additions July 24

  • cacaview now usable for ascii waifus # cacaview /path/to/waifu
  • XFCE4-Terminal main now due to urxvt breakage.
  • Purged Librioffice/memeOfficeSuite and knocked ISO down by like 500 MB
  • Removed default settings for Awesome that I'd setup because people hate borders 'cept me
  • terminal now loads your last pywal / fzwal colors @exec
  • bpytop added for swagger
  • Added in cutechonky script to make your widgets feel more cute and chonky
  • Added in 'cutefetch' an alternative to bunnyfetch with animals that are more kawaii
  • purged nixpkgs I added out of laziness


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