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Pool Pros 2.0

Things that I used this time:

  • Container / Component pattern ( and Pages ) ( Containers handle data / logic and pass data to Components ) ( Pages assemble their containers to make up a complete page. ) ( Pages contain --> Containers contain --> Components )
  • npm scripts ( Testing, Linting, etc. )
  • Flow ( Static Type Checking )
  • React Router
  • Axios
  • Express
  • Webpack
  • Babel
  • Jest ( Tests )
  • Enzyme ( Tests )
  • ESLint
  • Sass
  • BEM ( Block Element Modifier )
  • HTML5 ( Semantic ) ( HTML forms ;) )
  • Normalize.css ( provides consistency between browsers )
  • ( Babel, Jest, and ESLint configurations can be found in package.json )
  • ( Fonts can be found in the index.scss file located inside the styles folder )

How am I getting the data?

I am pulling the data from a basic server that gives us the JSON data that you provided in the FED folder. We fetch the data in the "FindProPage" Page Component located at src/pages/FindProPage/FindProPage.js

Custom Checkboxes

Mobile Preview

Cheers, Kaycee Ingram

P.S. Anything else I need to learn, I more than happy to dive right in :)