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Hightechu Academy Group Project 🤘

HighTechU Group Project


Website ⭐

Live Demo

Mini Pitch 👻

Stickyboard is an easy to use collaboration and teaching software. Powered off of TogetherJS by Mozilla, it includes a chat room, VC (beta), and custom usernames for each user. It centers around the whiteboard, where ideas can easily be shared by any participants. It only takes 10 seconds to set up a room, where you can even choose your own special code. Especially during this time of pandemic, what better way to teach remotely than with Stickyboard?

Problem Statment 📣

What if you needed a way to visually communicate ideas, but without the hassle of travel?

User Stories 🏂

As a host, I want:

  1. To be able to draw something that my students/attendees can see
  2. A strong server so that I can keep sharing ideas without interruptions
  3. To choose my own room code, and choose who joins

As an attendee, I want:

  1. To be able to communicate ideas with others both visually and textually

Website Pages 🚤

Landing and Login: index.html

Chat room with whiteboard: page.html#&togetherjs=[room code]

Promo 😀

ScreenShot 1

ScreenShot 2

ScreenShot 3

Getting Started 🤔

Requirements 🐶

Obtaining the Project 🐱

  1. Open the terminal

  2. Change into your working directory

cd working/directory
  1. Clone the repository
git clone URL
  1. Change into the repository

Running the Application 🦌

  1. Install the node_modules
npm install
  1. Run the application locally
node .
  1. Head over to http: and http: in the browser of your choice.

Adding Custom Models 🌊

  1. Add Custom Models
lb model
  1. Follow command prompts

Deploying 🐻

We are using Heroku to host our application. The following steps should only be done once. After setting up the application to deploy with GitHub, everytime you push to the master branch you will re-deploy your application.

  1. Log into Heroku

  2. Create a new app

  3. Setup Deploy with GitHub (Deploy -> GitHub -> Select Repository)

  4. Setup a mongodb datasource for loopback using mLab MongoDB addon

  5. Replace the server/datasources.json with the following:

  "db": {
    "db": {
      "url": "mongodb:https://URL",
      "name": "mongoDS",
      "useNewUrlParser": true,
      "connector": "mongodb"

Make sure to replace URL with the URL the Heroku mLab MongoDB addon provides.

Resources 📘

Support ❔

For support, visit the HighTechU Academy Slack.