###Getting setup
I'm assuming you've got the repository checked out and you already have a twitter app created with read access.
Install Elasticsearch
- Make sure you've got your Mac with brew installed (if you happen to be using a windows machine, you should go out and get a Mac)
- Install elasticsearch with brew
$ brew install elasticsearch && brew info elasticsearch
- Start elastic search
$ ln -sfv /usr/local/opt/elasticsearch/*.plist ~/Library/LaunchAgents
$ launchctl load ~/Library/LaunchAgents/homebrew.mxcl.elasticsearch.plist
At this point you should have elasitic search up and running. You will need to run
$ launchctl load ~/Library/LaunchAgents/homebrew.mxcl.elasticsearch.plist
again if you restart your machine.
Create Your Settings File
The settings.json file has the following structure:
"twitterApiKey":"<your key here>",
"twitterApiSecret":"<your secret here>",
"twitterAccessToken":"<your access token here>",
"twitterAccessSecret":"<your access secret here>",
All keys starting with twitter
come from the app you created on https://apps.twitter.com/
is the location of your elastic search instance. Host: localhost and port: 9200 are the default settings.
Create the settings file and take note of it's location.
After elasticsearch has been installed/running and you've created a valid settings.json file you can start the meteor server.
$ meteor --settings path/to/meteor/settings.json
Soon after starting the server you'll start collecting and indexing tweets. When the machine has collected 10,000 tweets it will stop collecting and indexing data. At this point you can go to https://localhost:3000 to test it out!