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AWS Serverless Application which expose a REST API to extract Digital Dlevation by european latitude/longitude using EU DEM 1.1


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Europe Digital Elevation by latitude and longitude

AWS Serverless Application which expose a REST API to extract digital elevation by european latitude/longitude using EU DEM 1.1.

Public Demo

There is a public demo of application:{lat}/{lng}

You can find a location in Google Terrain:,-18.2604901,14z/data=!5m1!1e4

and test the API:

There is a throttle configuration of 1 request per 20 seconds

EU DEM 1.1

EU DEM 1.1 (Digital Elevation Model) are 27 DEM Geotiffs 1000x1000 KM which cover the Europe with a space resolution 25 meters and a vertical precision +/- 7 meters, provided by Copernicus produced with funding by the European Union and downlodable here: EU DEM 1.1.

EU DEM Geotiffs elevation value are more and more precise and stable then GPS elevation value.


GDAL Library tool gdallocationinfo you can query these Geottiffs by latitude and longitude coordinated to extract the digital elevation. For instance:

gdallocationinfo eu_dem_v11_E30N40.TIF -wgs84 -18.278987 65.550225 -xml

<Report pixel="1910" line="817">
  <BandReport band="1">

The total size of 27 EU DEM Geotiffs is 46 GB, some Geotiff size is more then 4.6 GB.

COG - Cloud Optimized Geotiff

In order to use geotiffs in the cloud, Cloud Optimized Geotiff permit to query geotiff remotely downloading the only pieces of geotiff which contain the location requested, without download entirely TIF file, using HTTP Range Header requests.

AWS Simple Storage Service (S3) support HTTP Range requests and GDAL commands support S3 as virtual remote filesystem, so you can query a geotiff stored into a S3 bucket without download entirely Geotiff:

gdallocationinfo  /vsis3/<S3_BUCKET>/<S3_GEOTIFF_KEY> -wgs84 -18.278987 65.550225 -xml

geotiffdem Application

The Servlerless Application geotiffdem is composed by:

  1. 27 Cloud Optimized Geotiff uploaded into a S3 Bucket
  2. a AWS Lambda Layer containing gdallocationinfo linux command
  3. a AWS Lambda Function based on layer expose a REST API /{lat}/{lng} and /public/{lat}/{lng} returning the elevation calling gdallocationinfo on the correct Geotiff

Geotiff on S3 Bucket

In order to reduce costs, geotiffs are uploaded into an S3 Bucket in One Region-IA storage class. You can use Standard storage class for High Availability constraint or you have a lot o requests, but you spend more.

Follow the Cloud Optimized Geotiff developer guide, the 27 geotiffs has been optimize with this gdal_translate command:

gdal_translate eu_dem_v11_E00N20.TIF optimized/eu_dem_v11_E00N20.TIF -co TILED=YES -co COPY_SRC_OVERVIEWS=YES -co COMPRESS=DEFLATE

This optimization reduces the total size form 46 GB to 30 GB and reduces the amount of byte returned bye HTTP Requests of a gdallocationinfo query. is a bash script optimize whicj all tiffs into a directory.

gdalinfo command calculated the bounds (four edge locations) of each geotiff. So the bounds are loaded into the dictionary geotiffdem/src/lib/dictionary.js queried by Lambda Function to find the Geotiff file containing latitude and longiture requested.

geotiffdem/src/lib/dictionary.js is generated one time after geotiffs are uploaded on S3 by the node script geotiffdem/src/build-tiff-dictionary.js via the command

cd geotiffdem
npm run dictionary

Before, you have to configure you credentials of a user able to read S3 bucket using aws configure

AWS Lambda Layer with GDAL commands

No predefined lambda runtimes doesn't provide GDAL commands.

In order to provide these commands to your Lambda we have to create an AWS Lambda Layer with GDAL's libraries and binaries.

To do this, you have to follow these general istructions, valid for any kind of Linux commands you want use in your lambda.

  1. create a EC2 Amazon Linux 2 instance (which is the base of all Lambda runtime)
  2. install the packages you need inside the layer
  3. create a layer directory with bin and lib subdirs
  4. discover the library dependencies of the command using ldd <ABS_PATH_COMMAND>
  5. copy the library dependencies to lib subdir
  6. copy the commands into bin subdir
  7. zip lib and bin directories
  8. copy into a S3 bucket
  9. publish the lambda layer

Specifying the layer ARN in Layers of your lambda configuration in SAM Template tempmate.yml, you are able to invoke the commands via /opt/bin/<COMMAND> indipendently the runtime you choose.

In this project we need a layer with gdallocationinfo and gdalinfo command so:

  1. install from yum make automake gcc gcc-c++ libcurl-devel sqlite-devel
  2. download and install from sources proj-6.0.0 (dependency of GDAL)
  3. download and install from sources gdal-3.1.2
  4. discover the lib dependencies of gdallocationinfo and gdalinfo using ldd
  5. copy dependencies in lib e commands in bin
  6. publish the layer

You can find the complete script here:

This GDAL Lambda Layer cam be used in combination of all Lambda runtimes based on Amazon Linux 2: NodeJs, Python, Java, Ruby, Go, .NET

AWS Lambda Function

The Lambda Function getDemFunction is based on runtime nodejs12.x and use the GDAL Lambda Layer published for this project.

This lambda gets from HTTP request latitude and longitude returning as HTTP response the digital elevation in this way:

  1. query dictionary.js by latitude and longitude in order to find the geotiff file name containing the latitude longitude coordinates
  2. if geotiff is found, query the geotiff in S3 via gdallocationinfo
  3. return an HTTP response containing the digital elevation

The source code of lambda handler: geotiffdem/src/handlers/get-dem.js

The lambda function is exposed via two AWS Api Gateway:

  1. /{lat}/{lng} api API key protected with Throttle configuration:
    • Burst Limit: 100 requests per second
    • Rate Limit: 10 requests per second To invoke the API REST you have to specify the API_KEY into x-api-key header:
    curl -H "x-api-key:<API_KEY>" https://<AWS_GATEWAY_ID>.execute-api.<AWS_REGION><LATITUDE>/<LONGITUDE> 
  2. /public/{lat}/{lng} api without API key protected with Throttle configuration:
    • Burst Limit: 1 requests per second
    • Rate Limit: 1 requests per 20 seconds
         curl https://<AWS_GATEWAY_ID>.execute-api.<AWS_REGION> <LATITUDE>/<LONGITUDE> 

If these limits are exceeded, an Too Many Requests error is raised.

SAM Template

Lambda, API Gateway configurations are defined into SAM Template tamplate.yml. To deploy into a AWS region:

sam build
sam deploy

To install and use SAM visit SAM Developer Guide


The duration of lambda call is constantly 800 ms, except the first invocation when the lamba is initialized where the duration is 3000 ms (cold start)

The most expensive instruction is the gdallocationinfo execution on S3 geotiff where the duration is 650 ms circa.

Lambda Runtime is nodejs12.x and Lambda Memory Size allocated 128 Mb

About Costs

In Servless Application you pay what you use, so you pay:

  • per requests (Lambda and Api Gateway)
  • per GB allocated in S3

Using AWS Pricing Calculator 1,000,000 requests per Year (83,000 requests per Month):

  • S3

    30 GB x 0.01 USD = 0.30 USD (S3 One Zone-IA storage cost)
    80,000 GET requests for S3 One Zone-IA Storage x 0.000001 USD per request = 0.08 USD (S3 One Zone-IA GET requests cost)
    0.30 USD + 0.08 USD = 0.38 USD (Total S3 One Zone-IA Storage and other costs)
    S3 One Zone - Infrequent Access (S3 One Zone-IA) cost (monthly): 0.38 USD

    Data transfer between Lambda and S3 is free

  • API Gateway

    3.50 USD per million requests
    API Gateway Costs (Montly): 0.29 USD ( 3.50 USD / 12 months)
  • AWS Lambda Function

    RoundUp (800) = 800 Duration rounded to nearest 100ms
    1,000,000 requests x 800 ms x 0.001 ms to sec conversion factor = 800,000.00 total compute (seconds)
    0.125 GB x 800,000.00 seconds = 100,000.00 total compute (GB-s)
    100,000.00 GB-s - 400000 free tier GB-s = -300,000.00 GB-s
    Max (-300000.00 GB-s, 0 ) = 0.00 total billable GB-s
    Max (0 monthly billable requests, 0 ) = 0.00 total monthly billable requests
    Lambda costs - With Free Tier (monthly): 0.00 USD (First milion requests are free)

Total Costs per Month (80,000 API requests): 0.67 USD Total Costs per Year (1,000,000 API requests): 8,04 USD


Build TIFF Dictionary

npm run dictionary

alias of

node src/build-tiff-dictionary.js


npm test

Lambda Local Invocation

sam build && sam local invoke getDemFunction --event events/event-get-dem.json

SAM Deploy

sam build
sam deploy