ZhaoYuqi is a PhD student in software engineering at the School of Computer Science, Wuhan University, with main research interests in intelligent software eng
Wuhan University
- Wuhan China
Hongwei Wang
Graph neural networks, knowledge graphs, recommender systems
Tencent AI Lab Seattle Bellevue, WA
He Xiangnan
Professor with University of Science and Technology of China (USTC)
University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) China
Mike Bostock
Building a better computational medium. Co-founder @observablehq. Creator @d3. Former @nytgraphics. Pronounced BOSS-tock.
@observablehq San Francisco, CA
Douglas Crockford
I was born in Frostbite Falls, Minnesota. I left when I was 6 months old because it was too damn cold.
My latest book is _A Million And One Random Digits_.
Virgule-Solidus Anaheim