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A simple iOS application where a user can browse various movies that integrates usage of a REST API backend built during Codepath Spring 2021

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Flickster is an app that allows users to browse movies from the The Movie Database API.

Flickster Part 2

User Stories

REQUIRED (10pts)

  • (5pts) User can tap a cell to see more details about a particular movie.
  • (5pts) User can tap a tab bar button to view a grid layout of Movie Posters using a CollectionView.


  • (2pts) User can tap a poster in the collection view to see a detail screen of that movie.
  • (2pts) In the detail view, when the user taps the poster, a new screen is presented modally where they can view the trailer.

App Walkthrough GIF


Describe any challenges encountered while building the app.

Flickster Part 1

User Stories

REQUIRED (10pts)

  • (2pts) User sees an app icon on the home screen and a styled launch screen.
  • (5pts) User can view and scroll through a list of movies now playing in theaters.
  • (3pts) User can view the movie poster image for each movie.


  • (2pt) User can view the app on various device sizes and orientations.
  • (1pt) Run your app on a real device.

App Walkthrough GIF


  • IOS Swift Storyboard == Android XML
    • a bit more better integrated, Android requires a bit more manual calling of scenes whereas a storyboard can contain multiple/different scenes
  • swift == java
  • Cocoa touch class for creating a view controller
  • Add images by drag and drop into the opened Assets folder
  • Launch screen is essentially a static display, can't link w/ code
  • Use UITableView
  • Adopt a strict approach when following and using the code when practicing/learning the basics
  • IMPORTANT: configure project to use Storyboard as the main UI
  • ensure DEBUG is disabled ie ensure breakpoints are turned off b/c the DEBUG mode is not the usual intelliji UI
  • Outlets are similar to Android's view.findSomeViewVar(
  • Swift requires casting of objects -- to what extent? does it only apply to strings, UDTs? what about integers, floats, doubles

Pod Notes:

  • Usage of pods require opening the xcode project file from the <proj_name>.xcworkspace file instead of the <proj_name>.xcodeproj
  • Initialize the pod
pod init
  • Installing external dependencies
pod install
  • Remove all traces of pods
  1. Install tool for removing all traces of pods
sudo gem install cocoapods-deintegrate
  1. Run command in project
pod deintegrate

Creating a table viewer(Design):

  1. Select [+] from top right
  2. Select table view and resize appropriately
  3. Do ctrl + drag on table view to the associated controller code

Creating a table viewer(Code):

  1. inherit from the necessary classes: UIViewController, UITableViewDataSource, UITableViewDelegate
  2. Implement the required funcs as a result of inheritance
  3. Implement client fetching of data within the controller viewDidLoad
  4. Call reloading of the TableView member variable after the client completes data fetching

Debugging Reminders:

  • utilize print statements to be called within each func -- "sprinkling breadcrumbs"
  • "key-compliant" error due to outlet


A simple iOS application where a user can browse various movies that integrates usage of a REST API backend built during Codepath Spring 2021






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