My solutions for Advent of Code
Hacky, googly, using a shoddy knowledge of Python and 2nd year Software Engineering student programming skills. Enjoy.
1: Iterate and count
2: Iterate and calculate
3: Iterate and count, 3-2 uses a toggle
4: Brute force until match
5: Regex matching
6: 2D array of lights and an awful lot of string.split()
7: Dumb bubble-sort-like iterations - repeat instructions until it's impossible that any wire is unconnected.
8: Initially I just used find/replace, but that felt bad so I replicated it using sed
9: Modified Kruskal's, limiting results to paths instead of trees
10: Python letter-counting (slow a.f.)
11: Functions for next() and valid() - simple programming
12: python's built-in JSONDecoder.decode(), then a bunch of recursion
13: Permutations. Feels bad, but permutations.
14: Simulation, because it's more fun that way (turns out it was necessary)
15: Permutations. This one doesn't feel as bad to permute.
16: Simple dict storage, then matching.