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It is devoted to "formal specification and verification of a family of Jupiter protocols for implementing replicated lists".

Jupiter protocol is a core of many collaborative editing systems.


See paper-jupiter-refinement.

How to Run?

  1. Run separately.

Create and run TLC models in the usual way.

  1. Run in batch (Recommended).

We write scripts to automatically conduct a batch of experiments; see tangruize/jupiter-experiments.

TLA+ Modules

Note: The TLA+ code in this repository may be different from that in papers we wrote in formatting, naming, and modularity.

The following figure shows the key TLA+ modules in this project, where the solid line from module A to module B indicates that B "extends" A, and the dashed line from module A to module B indicates that B contains an "instance" of A.

Module Graph

These modules fall into four categories:

  • System Model: It describes the client/server architecture of collaborative editing systems.

    It also models a replica as an abstract state machine and provides the interface for implementing such a state machine.

  • Jupiter Family: This contains several techniques for all Jupiter protocols.

    • JupiterCtx is for context-based Jupiter protocols.
    • JupiterSerial helps to establish the serialization order at the server.
    • BufferStateSpace, GraphStateSpace, SetStateSpace are data structures for supporting OTs in Jupiter protocols.
  • Jupiter Protocols: Formal TLA+ specifications of four Jupiter protocols, i.e., AJupiter, XJupiter, CJupiter, and AbsJupiter.

  • Refinement: The (data) refinement relations among Jupiter protocols are established. Specifically,

    • AJupiter is a refinement (a.k.a implementation) of XJupiter,
    • XJupiter is a refinement of CJupiter,
    • CJupiter is a refinement of AbsJupiter.

Jupiter Protocols Illustrated

See jupiter-protocols-illustrations for illustrations for these four Jupiter protocols.

For more details, please visit the wiki page.

If you have any questions, please fire an issue or contact us (hfwei at nju dot edu dot cn).