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Things to do:

  1. Clone this repository: git clone
  2. Navigate to the folder: cd spring-boot-kafka-demo
  3. Make sure your ZooKeeper & Kafka already run
  4. Run this command to run ZooKeeper: bin/ config/
  5. Run this command to run Kafka: bin/ config/
  6. Run the application: mvn clean spring-boot:run
  7. Publish message to kafka topic:
curl --location --request POST 'https://localhost:8082/api/kafka/publish' \
--header 'topic-name: book-update' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "message": "Testing1"
  1. Publish message to kafka topic:
curl --location --request POST 'https://localhost:8082/api/kafka/books/publish' \
--header 'topic-name: book-update' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "bookName": "Spring Boot Tutorial",
    "author": "Hendi Santika"

This simple application connects to a kafka cluster installed on your local machine and publishes and subscribes messages from a kafka topic.

Local kafka setup

The steps outlined below are for MAC users.

  1. brew install kafka

  2. Start zookeeper using brew services: brew services start zookeeper

    If you don't want to run it as a background service you can just run : zookeeper-server-start /usr/local/etc/kafka/

  3. Now start kafka using brew services: brew services start kafka

    If you don't want to run it as a background service you can just run : kafka-server-start /usr/local/etc/kafka/

  4. To view the services: brew services list

  5. To stop zookeeper & kafka using brew services

     brew services stop zookeeper
     brew services stop kafka

NOTE: Brew services will keep the services running in the background. So the services will be running at all times.

Testing local kafka using command line tools

In this section we will create a topic, a producer and a consumer and test the flow using kafka command line tools.

  1. Create a topic named book-update

    kafka-topics --create --zookeeper localhost:2181 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic book-update or bin/ --create --partitions 1 --replication-factor 1 --topic book-update --bootstrap-server localhost:9092

  2. Create Producer console and send messages to the topic book-update

    kafka-console-producer --broker-list localhost:9092 --topic book-update or bin/ --topic book-update --bootstrap-server localhost:9092

    You will see > once you run the above command. Now you can type in the messages that you want to send. An example is shown below.

    >First book update
    >Second book update
  3. Create Consumer console which will listen to localhost at port 9092 at topic book-update

    kafka-console-consumer --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic book-update --from-beginning or bin/ --topic book-update --from-beginning --bootstrap-server localhost:9092

    Example output of the above command

     First book update
     Second book update

Kafka Tool setup

We are going to use Kafka Tool as a GUI for managing and using Kafka cluster. It is a free tool as long as you are not using it for commercial purposes.

NOTE: Do not use this tool for any commercial purposes without purchasing a license

  1. Download link for the tool -

  2. Once you have installed the software on your machine open the tool to setup the connection details.

    Zookeeper Host : localhost
    Zookeeper Port : 2181


  3. Inside topics section you will see the book-update topic that we created earlier with the command line tool. Click on the Data tab and click on Retrieve messages which looks like a play button to see the messages added earlier. Notice that by default the messages are displayed in bytes. In the next step we will convert it to string.


  4. To change from byte to string switch over to the properties tab and change both key and message to string and click update as show in the below screenshot. image

  5. Messages displayed in string. image

Sending message using Kafka Tool UI

Now let's try to send a message using Kafka Tool UI.

  1. Click on partition 0 under your topic name and then switch over to the Data tab and click on the plus sign and add single message. image

  2. For both key and value section switch from from file to Enter manually [HEX]. In the below screenshot example i didn't give a value for key. Click on Add and you can keep adding messages if you want to. image

  3. Now click on the topic name which in this case is book-update and switch to the data tab. Click on Retrieve messages which looks like a play button to see the new messages added from the previous step.

Publishing and subscribing to kafka topic

Before running the project let's look at some screenshots from the code base.

  1. Check KafkaConsumerConfig and KafkaProducerConfig classes in core package for consumer and producer configuration.

  2. Check KafkaConsumer class in the service package for code that cosumes messages from the topic book-update. You can add consumers for different topics in this class.


  3. spring-boot let's you create topic on a kafka cluster programmatically. Check class KafkaTopicConfig in core package. It will programmatically create a topic with the name you pass to it. Check in file to see the name of the topic we are creating.


  4. we have two REST api's that you can use to publish message to a topic.

    a. POST service that accepts string message as body. You will have to pass a header with the topic name you wish to publish the message to.

     POST : https://localhost:8082/kafka/publish
     HEADER : 
             "key" : "topic-name",
             "value" : "book-update"

    b. POST service that accepts json as body. The body should match the structure of pojo books. Also you need to pass a header with the topic name you wish to publish the message to.

    POST : https://localhost:8082/kafka/books/publish
    HEADER : 
            "key" : "topic-name",
            "value" : "book-update"


Running the spring-boot project

we have setup the cluster so let's try to run the project.

  1. Clone this git repo

    git clone

  2. Just take a look at under resources folder of the project. By default springboot runs on 8080 but i changed it to 8082 because our zookeeper was using port 8080.


  3. Now let's run the project : mvn clean spring-boot:run

  4. Let's go and look at the kafka tool. You can see that the topic book_update_new got created programmatically once we ran the app.


  5. Let's publish a message using the REST api. Below screenshot shows an example and don't forget to add the header topic-name when you hit the service.


  6. If you go back to the window you ran the spring-boot project from you can see the log message from the consumer that consumes the message published from the previous post. The below screenshot shows the same.


  7. This last screenshot is the second REST api if you like to test it out and don't forget to add the header topic-name when you hit the service.


Find the program using a specific port

This section is just for folks who are curious and want to see more details on the process using a specific port.

  1. To find the process id usig a specific port run this command from your terminal window : lsof -i :8080 | grep LISTEN
  2. To get details on the process id : ps -ef "pid"


Kafka with spring boot, Kafka & Kafka Tool GUI setup







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