Determines the birthstones from the given month, day of the week or zodiac sign.
This is based on ekimng's package.
- The stone names and zodiac signs names can be in different languages.
- All results are returned into an array except for error codes which are negative integers.
Functions dedicated to zodiac signs are deprecated. Use the package zodiac-signs instead.
You have to add this module to your npm modules folder.
$ npm install birthgem
const birthgem = require('birthgem')('en');
// Require with a language (format xx-YY sets (format xx)
const birthgem = require('birthgem')('en-US')
// Require without an argument sets 'en'
const birthgem = require('birthgem')();
// Returns the birthstone of the present month
// Returns the birthstone of January (values: [1;12])
// Overload the default language (format xx-YY sets (format xx)
console.log(birthgem.month(1, 'fr'));
// Returns the birthstone of the present day
// Returns the birthstone of Monday (values: [1;7])
// Overloads the default language (format xx-YY sets (format xx)
console.log(, 'fr'));
Those functions have been removed. Use the package zodiac-signs instead.
An integer is returned if the given parameter is wrong:
Type | Values | Error code |
Day | [1;7] | -1 |
Month | [1;12] | -2 |
You are free to participate to the translation in any other language.
- English
- French
- German
- Italian
- Portuguese
- Spanish
Thanks to ekimng for the original package: birthstone.
- My source code is published under MIT License.
- The original package is published under MIT License.