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Tips on performance optimization (WPF.SharpDX and UWP)

Lunci edited this page Dec 1, 2018 · 10 revisions


2. Laptops with Nvidia Optimus (Dual graphics card)(HelixToolkit.SharpDX Only)

Auto adapter selection in EffectsManager does not guarantee to use external Nvidia graphic card for rendering. To make sure using the Nvidia graphic card, add static NVOptimusEnabler nvEnabler = new NVOptimusEnabler(); in MainWindow.xaml.cs or app startup.

3. Using RenderDoc for SharpDX render profiling

To use RenderDoc, following settings must be set on Viewport3DX.

EnableSwapChainRendering = true;
EnableD2DRendering = false;

5. Use EnableSwapChainRendering = true for best performance if there is no WPF overlapping controls over viewport.

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