Hard-sphere packing generation in C++ with the Lubachevsky–Stillinger, Jodrey–Tory, and force-biased algorithms and packing post-processing.
Connected components on discrete and continuous multilabel 3D & 2D images. Handles 26, 18, and 6 connected variants; periodic boundaries (4, 8, & 6)
Dijkstra's Shortest Path for 6, 18, and 26-Connected 3D (Volumetric) Image Volumes
Official repository for Spyder - The Scientific Python Development Environment
VisIt - Visualization and Data Analysis for Mesh-based Scientific Data
A Python package for performing pore network modeling of porous media
A set of tools for characterizing and analying 3D images of porous materials
EVTK (Export VTK) package allows exporting data to binary VTK files for visualization and data analysis