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Integrated 3D Development Environment(Template)

Originally : React Native Animation

  • Original Git Repo is here. I ruined the git during the dev process, and failed to fork. But be sure to check on him!

Available Tutorials(Not Mine)


This repository is a collection of results from the React Native Animation Tutorial on his YouTube Channel Rakha Wibowo

Dependency Version

The version used in this repository:

  • React Native v0.73.6
  • React Native Web v0.19.6
  • Reanimated v3.6.2
  • React Native Gesture Handler v2.14.0
  • Moti v0.28.1
  • Lottie v6.7.0
  • React Three Fiber v8.16.1
  • React Three Drei v9.105.3 9.103.1 doesn't go well with android, ios, web, had to upgrade.
  • Three.js v0.162.0
  • Skia v1.0.5
  • D3 v7.9.0
  • React Native Bars v2.4.3 This is implemented ONLY for Android Edge-To-Edge Theme, which is every easy to use on AndroidManifest.xml

Example checks : ✅ : Everything is ok 🔶 : Partial support, bug exists. 🚫 : Straight up crahes 🕐 : Not Tested Yet.

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Run Locally

Clone the project

git clone
cd Integrated3DDevEnv

Install dependencies

npm install

or maybe this, if you prefer it this way.

npx expo install

For iOS, extra steps : (if you have mac)

npx pod-install

Start the server(for native builds for android or ios)

npm run native

you can press a or i after this to build out apps by react-native's internal build method.

Run on IOS

npm run ios

Disclaimer : I've never tested on react-native by xcode, since i don't have mac on my hands now. But you could still try physical testing on expo go.

npm start

to start up the expo server, and download Expo Go on your testing device, scan it, then you can test the app for ios.


npm run android

Run on Web

npm run webpack

i've managed to bundle the whole thing by webpack, but it's very buggy for now.


Web Version(Ubuntu, webpack, chrome) image

iOS Version(Physical, iPad Air gen 5, expo go) image

Android version(Physical, SM-A805N, os version 11) Screenshot_20240429-013055_ReactNativeAnimation.jpg