Graph layout and visualization algorithms based on Compose.jl and inspired by GraphLayout.jl.
The spring_layout
and stressmajorize_layout
function are copy from IainNZ's GraphLayout.jl.
Other layout algorithms are wrapped from NetworkX.
is copied from Gadfly.jl
From the Julia REPL the latest version can be installed with
GraphPlot is then loaded with
using GraphPlot
using Graphs: smallgraph
g = smallgraph(:karate)
using Graphs
nodelabel = 1:nv(g)
gplot(g, nodelabel=nodelabel)
gplot(g, nodelabel=nodelabel, nodelabeldist=1.5, nodelabelangleoffset=π/4)
# nodes size proportional to their degree
nodesize = [Graphs.outdegree(g, v) for v in Graphs.vertices(g)]
gplot(g, nodesize=nodesize)
Feed the keyword argument nodefillc
a color array, ensure each node has a color. length(nodefillc)
must be equal |V|
using Colors
# Generate n maximally distinguishable colors in LCHab space.
nodefillc = distinguishable_colors(nv(g), colorant"blue")
gplot(g, nodefillc=nodefillc, nodelabel=nodelabel, nodelabeldist=1.8, nodelabelangleoffset=π/4)
# stick out large degree nodes
alphas = nodesize/maximum(nodesize)
nodefillc = [RGBA(0.0,0.8,0.8,i) for i in alphas]
gplot(g, nodefillc=nodefillc)
nodelabelsize = nodesize
gplot(g, nodelabelsize=nodelabelsize, nodesize=nodesize, nodelabel=nodelabel)
edgelabel =
gplot(g, edgelabel=edgelabel, nodelabel=nodelabel)
edgelabel =
gplot(g, edgelabel=edgelabel, nodelabel=nodelabel, edgelabeldistx=0.5, edgelabeldisty=0.5)
# nodes membership
membership = [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,1,1,2,1,2,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2]
nodecolor = [colorant"lightseagreen", colorant"orange"]
# membership color
nodefillc = nodecolor[membership]
gplot(g, nodefillc=nodefillc)
This is the defaut layout and will be chosen if no layout is specified. The default parameters to the spring layout algorithm can be changed by supplying an anonymous function, e.g., if nodes appear clustered too tightly together, try
layout=(args...)->spring_layout(args...; C=20)
gplot(g, layout=layout, nodelabel=nodelabel)
where C
influences the desired distance between nodes.
gplot(g, layout=random_layout, nodelabel=nodelabel)
gplot(g, layout=circular_layout, nodelabel=nodelabel)
gplot(g, layout=spectral_layout)
nlist = Vector{Vector{Int}}(undef, 2) # two shells
nlist[1] = 1:5 # first shell
nlist[2] = 6:nv(g) # second shell
locs_x, locs_y = shell_layout(g, nlist)
gplot(g, locs_x, locs_y, nodelabel=nodelabel)
gplot(g, linetype="curve")
When using an IDE such as VSCode, Cairo.jl
is required to visualize the plot inside the IDE.
When using the REPL, gplothtml
will allow displaying the plot on a browser.
using Compose
# save to pdf
draw(PDF("karate.pdf", 16cm, 16cm), gplot(g))
# save to png
draw(PNG("karate.png", 16cm, 16cm), gplot(g))
# save to svg
draw(SVG("karate.svg", 16cm, 16cm), gplot(g))
using Graphs
h = watts_strogatz(50, 6, 0.3)
Graph to drawlocs_x, locs_y
Locations of the nodes (will be normalized and centered). If not specified, will be obtained fromlayout
Layout algorithm:random_layout
. Default:spring_layout
Max size for the nodes. Default:3.0/sqrt(N)
Relative size for the nodes, can be a Vector. Default:1.0
Labels for the vertices, a Vector or nothing. Default:nothing
Color for the node labels, can be a Vector. Default:colorant"black"
Distances for the node labels from center of nodes. Default:0.0
Angle offset for the node labels. Default:π/4.0
Largest fontsize for the vertice labels. Default:4.0
Relative fontsize for the vertice labels, can be a Vector. Default:1.0
Color to fill the nodes with, can be a Vector. Default:colorant"turquoise"
Color for the nodes stroke, can be a Vector. Default:nothing
Line width for the nodes stroke, can be a Vector. Default:0.0
Labels for the edges, a Vector or nothing. Default:[]
Color for the edge labels, can be a Vector. Default:colorant"black"
edgelabeldistx, edgelabeldisty
Distance for the edge label from center of edge. Default:0.0
Largest fontsize for the edge labels. Default:4.0
Relative fontsize for the edge labels, can be a Vector. Default:1.0
Max line width for the edges. Default:0.25/sqrt(N)
Relative line width for the edges, can be a Vector. Default:1.0
Color for the edge strokes, can be a Vector. Default:colorant"lightgray"
Fraction of line length to use for arrows. Equal to 0 for undirected graphs. Default:0.1
for the directed graphsarrowangleoffset
Angular width in radians for the arrows. Default:π/9 (20 degrees)
Type of line used for edges ("straight", "curve"). Default: "straight"outangle
Angular width in radians for the edges (only used iflinetype = "curve
). Default:π/5 (36 degrees)
Color for the plot background. Default:nothing
Filing an issue to report a bug, counterintuitive behavior, or even to request a feature is extremely valuable in helping me prioritize what to work on, so don't hestitate.