first version of the test app. this is master branch
Thinking process: Divide this project into 2 parts:
- algorithm part with opencv implementation.
- UI interface part with imgui.
OPENCV part include
- Use VideoCapture to get camera stream.
- Show in Opencv windows.
- Process the frame and plot the results.
IMGUI part include
- Design the window layout.
- Implement the botton/menu functions.
Then intigrate the 2 part into the same application.
Critical Issues met in this challenge:
- A lot of software packages: I start with a clean SDK. So it spend much time to download, install, and environment setting.
- Opencv VideoCapture cannot work with my built-in webcam. So I cannot test my implementation.
- I am empty for IMGUI so it cost much time when studying.
Detailed Description about the code. I start with the opencv compilation. I downloaded CMAKE and build the opencv library first. Then Use the built lib in the following code: And I use a simple jpg image as an example to calculate the histogram. If the histogram works, other algorithm(vectorscope, etc...) should be the same story. Then I try to use VideoCapture to get camera input however it can not work well. I spend too much time in solving this issue. For IMGUI part, I would like to import the imgui code into opencv project. However it cannot work without other multimedia API. So I have to change my main project into the other folder. This is an example from imgui release. It works with DirectX12 so I can easily to design my window. Now I spent most of 4 hours.....
Future work
- Connect camera with imgui project and show the content.
- import OPENCV implementation into this project.
- check the algorithm result and show it in the window.
- Build a test system and golden test cases to verify the implementation.