Lists (2)
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🌊 Julia software for fast, friendly, flexible, ocean-flavored fluid dynamics on CPUs and GPUs
A versatile, template-based FORTRAN wrapper written in Python.
Links to Fortran compilers, preprocessors, static analyzers, transpilers, IDEs, build systems, etc.
Freely programmable source-to-source translation for Fortran
Evaluate the numerical accuracy of an application (mirror of the Gitlab main repo).
A project to quickly detect discrepancies in floating point computation across hardware, compilers, libraries and software.
The Global Environmental Multiscale (GEM) model is a numerical weather prediction model developed by the Meteorological Research Division of Environment and Climate Change Canada.
Distributed Performance-portable Stencil Compuitation
GRICAD NUR repository
Bluetooth LE app for TomTom GPS watches: Runner, MultiSport, Cardio, Spark, Runner v2
Domain-specific compiler and code transformation system for Finite Difference/Volume/Element Earth-system models in Fortran
An experimental ahead of time compiler for Relay.
This project contains a code generator that produces static C NN inference deployment code targeting tiny micro-controllers (TinyML) as replacement for other µTVM runtimes. This tools generates a r…
Jittor is a high-performance deep learning framework based on JIT compiling and meta-operators.
ExaDG - High-Order Discontinuous Galerkin for the Exa-Scale
Numerical methods to solve ordinary differential equations in Rust.
A code generator for array-based code on CPUs and GPUs
Watch a file or folder and automatically commit changes to a git repo easily.