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A good-looking, small, pure JavaScript slider.

The goal of this project is to create an aesthetic slider for desktop and mobile projects that are trying to avoid including jQuery as a dependency.

Live Gist Demo

slideswell example

You should use slideswell if:

  • You want to avoid using jQuery in your project
  • You need a small JS slider (minified JS/CSS files are only 10.2kb total in the current release)
  • You want your slider to animate images and 'swell' their size
  • You want a slider that supports click and touch events

You probably don't need slideswell if:

Demo instructions

Download/clone this repo and open the index.html file to see a slideswell slider in action

Using slideswell in your project

Add the minified js/css files (check the release) to your html file, and then follow the basic structure below to make a new slider. (container div is included for positioning/size, not necessary to create a slider)

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="slideswell.min.css">

    <div class="container">
        <div class="slideswell" id="testSlideswell">
            <img src="../assets/static/test1.jpg"/>
            <img src="../assets/static/test2.jpg"/>
            <img src="../assets/static/test3.jpg"/>

<script src="slideswell.min.js"></script>

    new Slideswell("testSlideswell");

Detailed installation instructions:

  1. Add the slideswell JavaScript and CSS files to your html file

  2. Add a div with the class 'slideswell' and an ID of your choice

  3. Add your slider images as normal tags inside that div

  4. In a script tag (below the slide-swell JavaScript file) make a new slideswell object by calling 'new Slideswell([divID])' (divID would be whatever ID you gave your div in step 2).


slideswell's appearance and behavior is based on the Spotify album slider:

spotify inspiration slider