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fluent-bit gcs output plugin

This plugin works with fluent-bit's go plugin interface. You can use fluent-bit-go-gcs to ship logs into GCP Storage.

The configuration typically looks like:

Fluent-Bit --> Google Cloud Storage <-- Google Cloud BigQuery


$ fluent-bit -e /path/to/built/ -c fluent-bit.conf


  • Go 1.13+
  • gcc (for cgo)



$ make

Container Image:

$ make build

Configuration Options

Key Description Default value Note
Credential Path of GCP credential - Mandatory parameter
Bucket Bucket name of GCS - Mandatory parameter
Prefix Prefix of GCS key - Mandatory parameter
Region Region of GCS - Mandatory parameter


add this section to fluent-bit.conf

    Name 		gcs
    Match 		*
    Credential  /path/to/sharedcredentialfile
    Bucket      yourbucketname
    Prefix 		yourgcsprefixname
    Region 		europe-west1