Welcome to the Solr Mongo Importer project. This project provides MongoDb support for the Solr Data Import Handler. This is based on James' project (https://github.com/james75) with some improvement, mainly
- make deltaImportQuery and and deletedPkQuery work with last_index_time
- support nested object
- Retrive data from a MongoDb collection
- Authenticate using MongoDb authentication
- Map Mongo fields to Solr fields
- Addition features (i.e. my contribution)
- Delta import is available and works with last_index_itme
- deletedPkQuery is available and works with last_index_itme
- Support nested object
//when innerObject is a nested object, for example
"postId": "string",
"categoryPath": "string",
"title": "string",
"price": {
"value": 0,
"currency": "USD",
"currencySymbol": "$"
The innerObj "price" is actually a nested object, which is not supported by Solr directly.
We need to flatten it to key/value pairs. A simple way is to add an underscore for sub-key,
then use the same naming convention in Solr's schema file, so the above structure will become
For details, refer to MongoDataSource.java
- MongoDataSource - Provides a MongoDb datasource
- database (required) - The name of the data base you want to connect to
- clientUri (required - simple example: mongodb:https://localhost:27017 complicated example: mongodb:https://[username:password@]host1[:port1][,host2[:port2],...[,hostN[:portN]]][/[database][?options]])
- MongoEntityProcessor - Use with the MongoDataSource to query a MongoDb collection
- collection (required)
- query (required)
- deltaQuery (optional)
- deltaImportQuery (optional)
- MongoMapperTransformer - Map MongoDb fields to your Solr schema
- mongoField (required)
Firstly you will need a copy of the Solr Mongo Importer jar.
- Download the latest JAR from github
- Build your own using the ant build script you will need the JDK installed as well as Ant and Ivy, just run "ant build"
You will also need the [Mongo Java driver 2.x JAR] (https://github.com/mongodb/mongo-java-driver/downloads), note it's not 3.x Or find the [local copy here] (https://github.com/harvshen/SolrMongoImporter/tree/master/releases)
Place both of these jar's in your Solr libaries folder ( I put mine in 'dist' folder with the other jar's)
Add lib directives to your solrconfig.xml
<lib path="../../dist/mongo-java-driver-2.14.1.jar" />
<lib path="../../dist/solr-mongo-importer-1.1.0.jar" />
##Step-by-step instruction
https://wiki.apache.org/solr/DataImportHandler This wiki explains it pretty well when working with relational database.
Assume my Mongodb database name "posts", the collection name "sellposts" db.sellposts.find()
/* 1 */
"_id" : "2bd571b04f374d71929560d04b58ba51",
"categoryPath" : "/SALE/Appliances",
"title" : "string",
"price" : {
"value" : 123456789.88,
"currency" : "CAD",
"currencySymbol" : "$"
/* 2 */
"_id" : "5d55c86945004dd79a4333bf2bcc6d83",
"categoryPath" : "/SALE/Appliances",
"title" : "Whrilpool cabrio set",
"price" : {
"value" : 629.0,
"currency" : "USD",
"currencySymbol" : "$"
<!-- Sample Solr schema.xml -->
<field name="postId" type="string" indexed="true" required="true" />
<field name="categoryPath" type="string" indexed="true" stored="true"/>
<field name="title" type="textnosynonym" indexed="true" stored="true" />
<field name="price" type="double" indexed="true" stored="true" />
<field name="price_currency" type="string" indexed="true" stored="true" />
<field name="price_currencySymbol" type="string" indexed="false" stored="true" />
<requestHandler name="/dataimport" class="org.apache.solr.handler.dataimport.DataImportHandler">
<lst name="defaults">
<str name="config">dih-config.xml</str>
Step 5. Define the dih-config.xml under your Solr collection/conf folder (where schema.xml, solrconfig.xml is stored)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!--clientUri=mongodb:https://[username:password@]host1[:port1][,host2[:port2],...[,hostN[:portN]]][/[database][?options]] -->
<dataSource name="MongoDS" type="MongoDataSource" database="posts" clientUri="mongodb:https://localhost:27017"/>
<document name="import">
<!-- if query="" then it imports everything -->
<entity processor="MongoEntityProcessor"
transformer="MongoMapperTransformer" name="sellpost"
query="{$or : [{'status' : 'AVAILABLE'},{'status' : 'SOLD'} ]}"
deltaQuery="{$and : [ {$or : [{'status' : 'AVAILABLE'},{'status' : 'SOLD'} ]}, {'modifiedAt':{$gt:{$date:'${dih.last_index_time}'}} } ] }"
deletedPkQuery="{$and : [ {$or : [{'status' : 'DELETED'},{'status' : 'UNLISTED'} ]}, {'modifiedAt':{$gt:{$date:'${dih.last_index_time}'}} } ] }"
<!-- If mongoField name and the field declared in schema.xml are the same, then you don't need to declare below field mapping.
If not same than you have to refer the mongoField to field in schema.xml
( Ex: mongoField="EmpNumber" to name="EmployeeNumber").
<field column="EmpNumber" name="EmployeeNumber" mongoField="EmpNumber"/>
<field column="_id" name="postId"/>
<field column="price_value" name="price"/>
Assuming solr is running on port 8080 and mongodb are running on 27017, open the following link https://localhost:8983/solr/sellpost/dataimport?command=full-import This should trigger the full index to import the data from mongodb to solr.
Try the search query: https://localhost:8983/solr/sellpost/query?q=*
If you need auto scheduling job configured for the delta import job, you can [find more details here] (https://wiki.apache.org/solr/DataImportHandler) For your convenience, I also include the source code
- SolrDataImportProperties.java
- ApplicationListener.java
- HTTPPostScheduler.java
<!-- web.xml -->
# delta dataimport scheduler properties #
# to sync or not to sync
# 1 - active; anything else - inactive
# which cores to schedule
# in a multi-core environment you can decide which cores you want syncronized
# leave empty or comment it out if using single-core deployment
# solr server name or IP address
# [defaults to localhost if empty]
# solr server port
# [defaults to 80 if empty]
# application name/context
# [defaults to current ServletContextListener's context (app) name]
# URL params [mandatory]
# delta import command remainder of URL
# define how frequent the delta import should run
# (number of minutes between two runs)
# [defaults to 10 if empty]