Lys (risu) is an minimal statement manger for '21s React.
It's focus to Per page state management, not application global state management.
Lys is usable to instead of useReducer
, Mobx
, or Recoil
if you have async procedure.
yarn add @fleur/lys
- Per page level micro state management
- Initial state via external data
- Can be use with likes
- Can be use with likes
- Testing friendly
- Type safe
- Minimal re-rendering
Summary in CodeSandbox Example.
First, define your slice.
import { createSlice } from '@fleur/lys';
const formSlice = createSlice({
actions: {
// Define actions
async patchItem({ commit }, index: number, patch: Partial<State['form']['items'][0]>) {
commit((draft) => {
Object.assign(draft.form.items[index], patch);
async submit({ state, commit }) {
if (state.hasError) return;
commit({ submitting: true });
submiting: false,
form: await (
await fetch('/api/users', { body: JSON.stringify(state.form) })
async validate({ state }) {
commit({ hasError: false });
// Use your favorite validator
commit({ hasError: await validateForm(state.form) });
computed: {
// You can define computable values in `computed`
// `computed` is cached between to next state changed
itemOf: (state) => (index: number) => state.form.items[index],
canSubmit: (state) => !state.submitting,
}, (): State => ({
// Define initial state
submitting: false,
hasError: false,
form: {
id: null,
username: "",
items: [{ name: "" }],
Next, initialize slice on your page component
import { useLysSliceRoot, useLysSlice } from '@fleur/lys';
export const NewUserPage = () => {
const { data: initialData, error } = useSWR('/users/1', fetcher);
// Initialize slice by `useLysSliceRoot`
// `initialState` in second argument, it shallow override to Slice's initial state.
// `initialData` is re-evaluated when it changes from null or undefined to something else.
// Or can you define `fetchUser` in slice and call it in `useEffect()`
const [state, actions] = useLysSliceRoot(
initialData ? { form: initialData } : null
const handleChangeName = useCallback(({ currentTarget }) => {
// `set` is builtin action
actions.set((draft) => {
draft.form.username = currentTarget.value;
}, []);
const handleSubmit = useCallback(async () => {
await actions.validate();
await actions.submit();
}, []);
return (
Display name:
<input type="text" value={} onChange={handleChangeName} />
<h1>Your items</h1>
{ => (
<Item index={index} />
<button disabled={!state.canSubmit} onClick={handleSubmit}>
Use initialize slice into child component
// In child component
const Item = ({ index }) => {
// Use slice from root component by `useLysSlice`
const [state, actions] = useLysSlice(formSlice);
const item = state.itemOf(index);
const handleChangeName = useCallback(({ currentTarget }) => {
// Can call action from child component and share state with root.
// Re-rendering from root (no duplicate re-rendering)
actions.patchItem(index, { name: currentTarget.value });
}, []);
return (
Item of #{index + 1}
Name: <input type="text" value={} />
Lys's Slice is very testable. Let look testing example!
import { instantiateSlice, createSlice } from "@fleur/lys";
// Define (Normally, import from other file)
const slice = createSlice(
actions: {
increment({ commit }) {
commit((draft) => draft.count++);
computed: {
isZero: (state) => state.count === 0,
() => ({ count: 0, submitting: false })
describe("Testing slice", () => {
it("Should increment one", async () => {
// instantiate
const { state, actions } = instantiateSlice(slice);
// Expection
await actions.increment();
it("mock slice actions (for component testing)", () => {
const actionSpy = jest.fn(({ state }) => (state.count = 10));
const { state, actions } = mockSlice(
/* part of initial state here */
/* Mock action implementations here */
increment: actionSpy,