credits for houda maabrouk for the logo:
This project is an experiment of my knowledge, I'd be happy if anyone find it useful.
Fissaa is a CLI that helped me deploy applications to AWS ECS without the headache of setting-up domain registration,TLS Certification, Load Balancing,Rolling Back and budget monitoring.
Fissaa is a Tunisian word meaning speed-up.
The policies may seem too open for some developers, but I didn't focus so much on giving just the required permission for each service.
you can open a pull request if you find it a problem and I will solve it.
Note: to add those policies you need root account.
- AWSCertificateManagerFullAccess
- AmazonECS_FullAccess
- AmazonRoute53FullAccess
- AmazonS3FullAccess
- CloudFrontFullAccess
- AmazonRDSFullAccess
- AmazonEC2FullAccess
- IAMUserChangePassword
- AWSCloudFormationFullAccess
here is a link for a list of custom permissions you need to add for you user
you need to register a domain, if the domain registrar is AWS Route53 it be easy, but in case of any other registrar you need to crate hosted zone with the CLI.
Note: I used to register my domain on NameCheap and route with custom dns to Route53 name servers.
Fissaa is currently available on Linux and Windows.
Fissaa use heavily Docker to build,push images of your applications.
your project folder must contain a Dockerfile and the project is running on port 80.
Installing is easy as running 2 commands:
wget -o
sudo sh linux
Congratulation, Fissaa is ready.
Before deploying your application, you need to initialize your AWS creedentials on your projcet folder
to do this you can run the following command:
fissaa env
fissaa env [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>
-h, --help Prints help information
init <aws-secret-key> <aws-access-key>
Note: be sure this AWS credentials belongs to an user who have the required policies.
Fissaa provide a simple one command to deploy your containerized application:
fissaa infrastructure deploy --help
fissaa infrastructure deploy [OPTIONS]
-h, --help Prints help information
--environment Environment are: Dev, Prod
--add-monitor Add AWS X-Ray to track your user requests
updating your deployed application is the same way as deploying it, you just run the same command and it will update your code
fissaa infrastructure deploy
Fissaa can integrate a monitoring service(AWS X-Ray) with your deployed application, you need to integrate AWS X-RAY sdk first in your application code.
to deploy and add monitoring, you can run the following command:
fissaa infrastructure deploy --add-monitor
you can see your application logs by running the following command :
fissaa infrastructure logs --help
fissaa infrastructure logs [OPTIONS]
-h, --help Prints help information
--start-date format yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss
--hour hour must be between 0 and 5
fissaa infrastructure add-alarm --email <email>
You will receive a subscription request on email, after accepting it, if your server hit 10 5xx request within 5 minute you will get an email like this one.
fissaa infrastructure rollback list-image-tags --help
fissaa infrastructure rollback list-image-tags [OPTIONS]
-h, --help Prints help information
fissaa infrastructure rollback apply --help
fissaa infrastructure rollback apply [OPTIONS]
-h, --help Prints help information
--latest rollback to version prior to the current version, if
no version nothing happen
--image-version Image version for container registry
If you want to keep track your budget and get notified when you exceed it, you can create an alarm using the following command:
fissaa budget <domain> create <budget-amount> <budget-amount-limit> <email>
To list your application cost on a day to day basis, you can see with the following command:
fissaa budget <domain> cost-list
I created a simple template for sake of simplicity, but I want to create more templates for different cases like :
- ML
- Gaming
- ECommerce
One of the case I got while developing this CLI is I wanted to deploy a Ghost Platform without the headache of setting-up all the prerequisite that ghost need like (RDS, S3, Email Server).
So I created a simple command that can deploy ghost under your specific domain:
fissaa template use --help
fissaa template use <template-name> <mail-provider> <mail-email>
<mail-password> [OPTIONS]
<template-name> template name, available options are: ghost
<mail-provider> mailing service, available options are: sendinblue
-h, --help Prints help information
to initialize a database, you can run the following command:
Note: database is available to connect to from a deployed application.
fissaa storage db init --help
fissaa storage db init <db-type> <db-username> <db-name> <db-password> [OPTIONS]
<db-type> different db type allowed values are: mysql, mariadb, postgres
-h, --help Prints help information
--db-storage your database size on GB minumum: 20G
fissaa storage s3 --help
fissaa storage s3 [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>
-h, --help Prints help information
init <bucket-name>
if you're using a custom domain registrar, run the following to create Route53 hosted zone then copy paste the name server into your domain registrar custom dns .
here is an example:
fissaa domain <domain-name> create
if you have a domain and want to add a TLS Certification to it, you can just run following command
Note: domain must be registered on Route53 as Hosted Zone
fissaa domain <domain-name> add-https